Why did I play hut?
So I put all this monotonous time into building an 88 ovr team with 6 active synergies and I just want to ask ea why I did it.
Allmost 100 games to get 2000 points to enter hut cheese/Champs and I am still not allowed to play. Everyone is faster. For some reason it just passes the puck to the other team but mostly just hands it over. There cpu controlled players molest mine and mine are in dream land. Standing around not moving on the face off but if I move early that is instantly registered. I cant figure out why I put this massive amount of time into getting Hedman and it still makes no difference. I am not bad at this game at all but the thing we arnt allowed to talk about seems to never work in my favor ya know.
So really. I am going to need an answer for. Why did I put all of this time and effort into building a team that is completely useless in rivals or Champs and can even get stomped on playing semi pro sb single player?
I'm kinda done with it now. I cant even bare to look at the game that is playing me. You lost a life long customer. Season 3, no thanks, casual online, not a chance. Ya, I'm done.