Forum Discussion

Saraninator's avatar
Rising Scout
2 months ago

How to make Season 2 XP path better.

1 - No BND upgrading cards in the path as separate xp levels. You can only get one to max anyways. No point in having 5 separate levels that each give out a stupid 80 ovr BND card that I can't even get rid of in sets later. That is 5 wasted levels out of 60.

2 - No singular XP tokens given out as an entire level in the XP path. 15 levels give XP tokens. That is 15/60 levels that feel like I am getting nothing at all. Group them into batches of 5 so that it only takes up 3 levels on the XP path. Nothing worse than getting excited thinking I actually got something only to realize all I got was a stupid XP token. Group them into large batches so more levels aren't wasted on something that feels useless. This is 15 wasted levels out of 60.

3 - Take the coins out of the XP path. 5k coins is absolutely worthless in this game and 10 levels give coins for a grand total of 33,000 coins which is barely enough to buy a single gold arena lmfao . This is just a slap in the face for getting 12k xp and unlocking a new level. A gold jersey is 25,000 and a gold arena is 30,000. This is just stupid. Complete waste of 10 out of 60 levels. 

4 - The final reward player should never never never ever be BND. At least let us trade the player in for some tokens at some point. Seriously WTF was the point in this?

5 - So to sum it up we essentially have 5+15+10=30 wasted levels on the xp path. That is HALF of the ONLY REWARDS we get now on stuff that we honestly DO NOT CARE ABOUT. 

6 - Add in some big customization item packs. Give us a pack with 15+ cards and a mix of jersey number changes, team information items, arenas, celebrations etc... Oh and most importantly COACHES. The market is COMPLETELY BARREN OF THESE CARDS. Don't be **bleep** and just make these packs tiny and have just a few items. This will help out the market in actually having some of these cards around

7 - THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING OF ALL - Give us more bleeping packs with players. And don't give us packs that are completely filled with bronze players and a couple silvers. It is demoralizing and makes the game not fun at all. 

8 - Make the bonus packs better.... The amount of these that end up being completely bronze/silver players is extremely annoying. It makes the bonus XP path feel completely pointless. 

3 Replies

  • I definitely agree with all of your points. However, I think coins should stay in the xp path. But, they should give out significantly more. I would assume most serious players are already done with most of their milestone objectives, so these players have hit a brick wall in terms of making coins. With this reasoning, the xp path should start off with say 10k , and then slowly progress to 35k later in the path. Make it so players can get more coins because of how expensive cards on the market are. 

  • The 8 week season with one usable player as a reward after 60 levels has to be scrapped or a large part of the community will stop playing.  For those that finished the XP path weeks ago have nothing to play for. Bonus packs are laughable, so playing on is pointless. By their own design the devs have done the exact opposite of what they should be doing, making us want to play their game as much as possible. 

    Its those that can't play the game enough to reach level 60 I feel for. 8 weeks of bronze and silver player packs, that would be soul destroying. 


  • Blinkimic's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    2 months ago

    I very much agree with this and your points about the XP tokens being a waste being so scattered, they should 100% be in batches as it would give players more of an incentive. Also agree on more players and customization items. And seriously, gold players only. Are we gonna use bronze players unless there's some special event? We are not and it was so demoralizing getting 60 ovr cards past level 20, let alone past level 50 and 60. I really do hope they make radical changes because otherwise this game is going to lose even more players.