Milestone rewards should be continous.
What's the point of finishing milestones in a couple months when the game is going to go on until like August? This is especially something that helps free to play players as the coins just end up drying up.
Every other reward in the game is no where near enough to stay competitive. With no coins and an average of 650 coins for completing games. There's no point to play really.
This is where free to play players end up being out of reach of higher ovr players. When the coins dry up. You don't have the extra funds to get cards to help with sets. So by January, you're out of luck and players that drop $$$ end up with a huge advantage.
I have already dropped at least $1,000 on packs since 2017. Why should I be punished if I don't feel like shelling out money when prices are ridiculous now?