25 days agoRising Scout
Not Enough Hut Moments are Listed
Hi just thought I let you know EA I’m up to date with all my Hut moments challenges completed just finished the one you posted up for Weekly Hut Moments.
As you can see I’m 11 / 20 done not enough moments released to cover the 20 / 20 your requested to complete the 20 of 20 objectives.
There is only 22hrs remaining witch means because you did not release enough Squad Battles Hut Moments I will lose out on 1,000 XP for my XP path.
PS5 ID xVaDeRsEViLx get them to check all completed all Hut Moments I’m short 9 moments to complete the last 9 of the 20 of 20
You did not release enough content to cover this Objective EA