Forum Discussion

SturmWolfe's avatar
New Veteran
27 days ago

Separation of Rivals and SB rewards.

Literally no one has time to win 30 games in rivals. I even play about 4-5 hours most days and it's not even obtainable. Even being a good player. You would still have to play at least 45-50 games. MOST players would have to play 60 games. 

THEN you have to go and play 30 SB battles games. 

It's just not realistic for players wanting to get the most out of rewards. Especially those who are free to play and grind A LOT more than $$$ spenders. 

10 Replies

  • Sambooger3's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    27 days ago

    You are so right, it is next to impossible for anyone who has a job or a wife or gf that they want to actually spend time with and still have the time to complete these objectives, unless you cut out sleeping like I did lol! But its still a challenge and I will let u know how I make out in a couple days, that is if I remember, lack of sleep has its side effects tho.

  • The one thing I don't think anyone thought of (including me) was the "Hybrid" player that enjoys both Squads and Rivals. 

    My theme for 25 has been building MSPs, so I grind the objectives in Squads then take my new players to Rivals to test them and myself against other players. With separating the Competitive objectives there's no incentive to jump into Rivals. I was happy if I could get about a dozen or so Rivals games each week in  between Objectives and I used those 6 or so wins to count toward my 30 Competitive wins. Now there's no reason to go online.

    The boost to XP for Rivals play is great but since the end of path rewards are not repeatable I don't see the reason to rush through the path. 

  • fumbler161's avatar
    Rising Vanguard
    27 days ago

    You got it!  Unintended consequences.  I've never hit 30 online wins in a week, ever.  

  • You have the same option as we do play online or offline. So in fact you got more than we do. I have the same option to play online to get 30 wins but no thanks to Cheaters, hackers and most of all glitchers. The connection to other users is not even and you got hackers lag switching you out of your game when your laying a beating down. Then they lag switch you out of game you get the loss you think that’s fair. I sorry but cross gen playing against PC is bs. 

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    26 days ago

    Lag switching isn't really a thing with dedicated servers. Which, HUT users. That's a lot more common on P2P connections. 

    How are people cheating and glitching? Other than the L2 speed issue, which can be defended against, we're not aware of any actual cheats or glitches people are using to unfairly win games.

  • xVaDeRsEViLx's avatar
    Rising Scout
    26 days ago

    So you’re telling me you didn’t play the offline  to get 30 wins  for the coins and packs? if you say no you would be lieing. Look I could have played online for the 30 wins and more coins and packs but it’s not worth my health or the stress to play online.  

    let’s see a 0-30 for your Offline.

    Here’s my online pic 0-30 wins not worth the health and stress to play cheaters, Hackers and glitch players and you lag switchers No thanks.

    I got nothing to prove online back in the day 74 wins in a row look it up. NHL 2020 or 2019 one of them it’s been awhile. OMG Old Man Gamer

  • xVaDeRsEViLx's avatar
    Rising Scout
    26 days ago

    Dose EA able to detect hackers and people using The Zen and other cheats?

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    25 days ago

    I wasn't talking about controller mods. I don't know if those can be detected or not. I think the likelihood of a lot of people using them is pretty small though. Regardless, there's little to no lag switching and we're not aware of any actual hacks being used to win games.

  • xVaDeRsEViLx's avatar
    Rising Scout
    25 days ago

    Yes I agree this New Hut Squad  Battles Mode of XP path is no fun and the rewards is nothing compared to last year’s Squad Battles Hut Mode weekly winner and base on where you placed you get packs and coins. This years mode if for people with out jobs.  38 games a week was perfect and the rewards I was happy with this years XP path and your Daly hattrick cards I find useless I have Weber and the most I can get him is 87 right now need 20 cards for one upgrade by the time I get him to 88 he will have a 90 card come out witch = Weber not getting in the line up. Why would I use a 88 Weber over and 89 overall player. Your choice of 5 players should be only 1 choice of the 5 and that’s it we don’t need 5 you can only get two at max to top level. But you new cards always push your cards out of most line ups.

  • xVaDeRsEViLx's avatar
    Rising Scout
    25 days ago

    Just seen the update for Daily hattrick cards more to gain now perfect good job with upgrade on it.

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