Unscreened D2D 1T's have to be nerfed further
I fully understand the need for D2D's from the blue line to be a threat in order for defense to actually having to adjust, that's understandable. But having an unscreened one timer go in, especially if its literally just one guy skating around and then making ONE pass and it goes in, that needs to stop.
I fully support the fact that a goalie cannot always stop a screened shot, but how many times have you seen an NHL goalie not stop a shot that is the result of one pass and then an unscreened one timer from 50 feet out? I think that number is pretty low and I think that a blue line one timer being as dangerous as a shot from the dots is just not the right balance.
I want to emphasize that most of the time, the onus is on the defense to see a shooting lane and take it away. But when you HAVE TO basically cover every shooting lane from the blue line, it gets to a point where you are asking why is that. And the answer is, the goalies simply react too slowly to incoming, unscreened one timers from the point.