Forum Discussion

PadrinoVI's avatar
New Rookie
11 days ago

We need 1 real option to play co-op, low rewards could be a compromise

Game's pretty good so far but since it's one streamlined XP path... why not give players who like playing with their clubs with friends a chance to invite them in one of the mode to gain XP (or coins)... even if it means nerfing the rewards... who would be against that for Squad Battles, let's say... if rewards are lower or anything. Playing for peanuts, but with friends lol There would be no advantage then.

It's obvious Exhibition is not fun at all and Wildcard offers it offline I think, but not offline for friends or family that are away. And even then, Wildcard is not the main club, but it would be a start. 

In short, give us one option in one mode to play coop to gain XP (or coins), whatever the compromise would be.

Thanks a lot for your time and consideration. 

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