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gerade ausprobiert..
Bei aller Liebe, jetpack Cargo.. so einen Schwachsinn hab ich schon lang nimmer gespielt 🙂
Star Wars Battlefront II Patch 2.0 Rollout 3/21/18 (PS4, PC, & X1)
This update is a major release and the team will require 4 hours of downtime.
March 21st, 2018
Scheduled Patch 2.0 Rollout:
Online Play Becomes Unavailable ALL Platforms: 7:50 UTC /12:50 AM PT
Online Play Expected to Resume: 12:00 UTC /5:00 AM PT
Star Wars Battlefront II - Release Notes - Update 2.0
- large changes to the Multiplayer Progression system
- unlocked all currently available Heroes and Hero Ships for everyone
- all characters now having a Unit Level
- new game location Bespin for Blast, Heroes vs. Villains, and for a limited time as Jetpack Cargo
- unlocked all Star Cards and Weapons in Arcade at Epic card level
Heroes and Villains Balancing:
Boba Fett
- Reduced the forward thrust speed of Boba's Jetpack slightly
- Increased Base Health from 500 to 550
- STUN GRENADES can no longer be activated while other abilities are activating
Darth Vader
- Fixed an issue where Darth Vader's PUNISHING GRIP Star Card wasn't correctly applied.
- Fixed an issue where Darth Vader's SABER THROW ability could go through a wall on Takodana
Emperor Palpatine
- Fixed an issue where Palpatine’s LIGHTNING ABSORBTION Star Card didn't grant the correct amount of health after being used
- Fixed an issue where the UI marker for Finn's DEADEYE ability would persist after the ability had ended
- Fixed an issue where weathering effects weren't working on Finn
Han Solo
- Increased base health from 600 to 650
- Fixed an issue where Han Solo's DETONITE CHARGE didn't explode mid-air
Iden Versio
- Increased Base health from 550 to 650
- Fixed an issue where the Secondary Fire module didn't appear on Iden's TL-50
- Increased active time from 10 to 12 seconds
- Reduced the recharge time from 5 to 1 second
- Added a zoomed-in damage increase multiplier of 80% (the explosive damage is not multiplied by this change)
- Decreased the time to full power from 1.25 to 0.6 seconds
- Decreased the non-zoom dispersion from 2 to 0.2 degrees (zoom dispersion is 0)
- Reduced the recoil of the weapon
- Reduced the start damage from 100 to 40
- Reduced the end damage from 150 to 100
- Reduced the start damage distance from 125 to 30 meters
- Reduced the end damage distance from 150 to 50 meters
- Reduced the explosive damage from 80 to 20
HOT SWAP - Star Card
This Star card has been changed to give health to Iden when her DROID STUN hits enemies, and even more when it hits Heroes.
Lando Calrissian
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to spawn as Lando Calrissian if Han Solo was being played
Leia Organa
Leia’s hair has been updated to match her outfit.
- Increased maximum health regeneration for Leia from 150 to 200
- Decreased health regeneration delay from 5 to 4.5 seconds
- While using INSIGHT, a circle shouldn't appear under Rey for other players when activated
- The area of effect should now display properly when the UNLEASH ability is triggered
- Fixed an issue where Yoda didn't break out of immobilizing abilities when using PRESENCE
Classes, Special Units, & Vehicles:
- Fixed an issue where weapon cooling was not working correctly for weapon mods
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to use the SENTRY ability in first person
- Fixed an issue where the sound could get stuck on the SENTRY ability
- Fixed an issue where weapon cooling was not working correctly for weapon mods
- Fixed an issue where Increased Cooling provided higher cooling reduction than intended
- Tweaked description of Homing Shot to clarify that it can fire multiple rockets, rather than just one
- Fixed an issue where weapon cooling was not working correctly for weapon mods
Default Pistol
- Reduced end damage from 20 to 17
- Reduced amount of shots that can be fired before overheating from 25 to 17
- Reduced how many shots can be fired before overheating when Increased Cooling mod is equipped from 49 to 25
- Reduced end damage distance from 40 to 30 meters
- Flattened the points given to an Officer with OFFICER’S PRESENCE, regardless if the aura affects 1 or 19 allies.
- Point payoff with OFFICER’S PRESENCE was stacking, meaning an Officer standing in a choke point can farm thousands of Battlepoints without effort. To fix this, we've removed this stacking rule.
- The Turret now spots enemies when it acquires them and primes to fire. The spotted enemy is only visible to the officer who owns the turret.
- Fixed an issue where weapon cooling was not working correctly for weapon mods
- Enabled spotting logic, IMPROVED THERMAL BINOCULARS increase the time an enemy is spotted
- Added 25 point scoring event per enemy spotted
Special Units:
- Fixed an issue where the IMPROVED ROCKET LAUNCHER Star Card didn't reduce recharge as intended
- Fixed an animation issue that caused Aerials to incorrectly roll when dashing
- We've updated the description of each of the Aerial units to more clearly differentiate them from each other. Jump Trooper --> Imperial Jump Trooper & First Order Jump Trooper. Rocket Jumper --> Rebel Rocket Jumper & Resistance Rocket Jumper
- Fixed an issue where the Death Trooper wouldn't see a white outline on enemies that have been affected by their SONIC IMPLODER’s blinding effect
- Fixed issue where the explosion radius of the SONIC IMPLODER wasn't improved by the EXPLOSIVE EXPERT Star Card
- Fixed an issue where the AT-ST’s GRENADE LAUNCHER would fail to trigger after having been activated
Game Mode Changes:
Galactic Assault:
Deathstar II
- Made Phases 2 and 3 easier to defend and Phase 1 slightly easier for the attackers by adjusting spawn positions
- Updated and re-introduced the daylight setting
- Adjusted frequency with which the alternative light settings appear
- Fixed an issue where players spawning into the AT-ST were occasionally spawned out of bounds
- Increased price of LAAT on from 400 to 1000
- LAAT respawn has been increased by 30 seconds
- Re-worked the defender spawns in Phase 3, moving them closer to the objectives
- The LAAT respawn time has been increased to 30 seconds
- Fixed an issue where the MTT health would not display correctly and it would sometimes enter an incorrect state
- Re-worked the defender spawns in Phase 2, moving them closer to the objectives
- The price of the AT-ST on Takodana has been increased from 1500 to 2500
- Phase 2 spawns for defenders have been adjusted for positioning and spread in an effort to increase safety directly after you've spawned
- Attacker spawns in Phase 2 have been moved closer to the objectives to make it easier to attack
- Defender spawns in Phase 3 have been moved closer to the objective to make it easier to defend
- Introduced various visual quality improvements such as: reduced LOD pop-in, sharper textures, improved lighting and materials, minor destructible content, and additional environmental detailing
- Adjusted frequency with which the alternative light settings appear
- Improved spawn zones for Blast on Starkiller Base
Starfighter Assault:
- Starfighter splash damage against troopers reduced by 50% to prevent excessive targeting of troopers.
- Fixed an issue where the MVP screen would continuously shake
Jetpack Cargo:
- Various improvements to UI clarity, issues for players joining mid-round, and respawn issues with the cargo
- Fixed an issue where AI could sometimes become static and not recognize the player
- Fixed an issue where Milestones in the end-of-round were missing after completing a Mission
- Fixed an issue where the battle settings were overlapping with the loading screen in Arcade
- Solved an issue where Captain Phasma’s visual environment was applied to both players when playing splitscreen
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to avoid the AI on Death Star II
- Misc. fixes to areas where Boba Fett was able to fly out of reach of the AI
- Fixed an issue where the AI would clip into a building on Tatooine
- Fixed an issue where lighting would break on the guest screen when playing Duel on Crait
- Fixed an issue where tickets were incorrectly counted if players fell off the map when playing Versus on Kashyyyk
General Improvements and Bugfixes:
- Fixed a few areas where the player could get stuck when playing in parts of Mos Eisley
- Improved terrain collision on Mos Eisley, to prevent issues with the camera shaking when not intended
- Fixed a few areas where the player could get stuck in the interior of the Hoth base
- Improved collision for structures on Starkiller Base
- Improved collision on Kamino to prevent players from reaching unintended areas
- Improved collision for the cave entrance on Crait
- Fixed a few areas where the player could get stuck when playing on Naboo
- Fixed a few areas where the player could get stuck when playing on Endor
- Improved collision on Yavin structures and trees, to prevent the player from getting stuck
- Fixed a few areas where the player could get stuck when playing on Kashyyyk
- Fixed an issue where it was possible for a user to equip Star Cards on a locked slot
- Fixed an issue where the Star Cards were displayed with low opacity after spawning
- Fixed an issue where the user was prevented from joining a group and a server if already in a different group on a different server
- Fixed a front end issue where the yellow "new" marker was incorrectly displayed
- Fixed an issue where the milestone "Heights of Greatness" didn't track properly
- Fixed an issue where the "Double Your Efforts" challenge was incorrectly translated
- Solved a lighting issue that caused black rocks on Endor
- Solved an issue where the UI elements could start flickering if the player resized the game window
- Fixed an issue where the Aerial units weren't properly translated
- Misc bugfixes and improved animations for living world creatures on Endor
- Fixed an issue where Heroes were able to enter vehicles after a trooper had exited
- Fixed an issue where the game could get stuck in an unresponsive state if the user performed sign-out and sign-in actions repeatedly
- Fixed an issue where the game would occasionally freeze when navigating to the Collection tab in the front end
- Fixed an issue where loading screens unintentionally caused a high load on some graphics cards
- Fixed an issue where the player would sometimes lose their loadout when continuing a mission in the Campaign
- Resolved various crash issues
- Added Ansel support for Nvidia graphics cards in Arcade
- Added pre-compilation of shaders on DX12 to reduce stutter during gameplay. This can be seen in the loading screens when this process takes place.
Known Issues:
- Endor Galactic Assault – The AT-AT incorrectly has friendly fire turned on when shooting the hangar gates
- Darth Maul’s SABER THROW ability does not always hit its target
- Decals aren’t properly applied to the terrain on Crait
- Legs may clip when characters are rotating
- Headshot scoring event isn't tracked in the event log
- The XP bars are not animating at the end of a match
Thx to Sledgehammer70
- 7 years ago
haben die ernsthaft den heavy in Ruhe gelassen?.. Ich dachte, das hat schon einer bestätigt, dass die Mistwaffe genervt wird?
Hauptsache sie zerlegen meinen officer...
- 7 years ago
Sieht so aus! Generft wurde beim Heavy nichts. Nur ein paar Probleme behoben...
Dadurch das Offizierspräsenz generft wurde, haben sie Spielern welche wenig Kills hinbekommen eine gute Möglichkeit genommen, überhaupt an ein paar BP´s zu kommen denke ich. Da muss man gucken wie stark sich das jetzt auswirkt.
Da hätte man vielleicht besser mal das Kanonenboot nerfen sollen! Einige haben sich das zum Hobby gemacht damit auf Kashyyyk und Kamino alles wegzupusten was sich bewegt. Auf Kamino ist es manchmal ganz schlimm. Da überlebt man auf den Plattformen dann nicht lange. Selbst nicht, wenn man sich in eines der Kanonenboote auf einer der Plattformen stellt. Da wird man trotzdem immer wieder noch getroffen. Hatte da erst vor kurzem wieder einen der am Ende der Runde 90 Kills hatte. Mich hatte er 3-4 mal auf der Plattform erwischt, bzw. als ich dort hinlaufen wollte. Und habe ja auch gesehen daß er viele von meinen Teammates auch gekillt hatte. Der Großteil der 90 Kills wird daher vom Kanonenboot her gerührt haben... davon ist jedenfalls stark auszugehen.
- 7 years ago
hey 🙂
ich glaube die haben das Kanonenboot genervt.. habe es auf Kashyyyk 3x versucht und der Bildschirm war jedes mal schwarz, man sah nur die Symbole der Transporter und der distruptoren.. sonst nix 🙂 ist wohl ein bug.. glaube ich..
Ansonsten ist mir aufgefallen, dass der Panzer nicht mehr so weit nach außen fahren kann.. dh der ist jetzt Kanonenfutter in der mitte.. war eig. 4x gleich wieder Tod..
Und.. das lvln der Klassen geht fix.. jedoch der Helden gefühlt null.. ich spiele nur galactic assault... ev. lvlt man bei Helden vs. schurken schneller.. nur das interessiert mich null...
finde ich etwas doof...
- 7 years ago
Daß das Kanonenboot generft wurde wäre mir nicht bekannt. Mal schauen wenn ich mal wieder auf Kamino lande wie es dann jetzt aussieht.
Es berichten mittlerweile mehrere Spieler von einem schwarzen Bildschirm seit dem Update. Hatte von dem Problem auch bzgl. im Starfighter Assault gelesen. Ich gehe mal davon aus daß sich da ein Bug eingeschlichen hat.
Kam gestern leider nicht mehr dazu in den Galactic Assault zu springen. Kann daher was das Leveln angeht leider noch nichts dazu sagen. Ich hoffe ich schaffe es dann heute 😉
LG zurück
- 7 years ago
Star Wars Battlefront II Patch 2.01
Heroes and Special Units:
- Blaster-wielding Heroes and Special Units are now moving at their correct speed again
- Fixed an issue where some Interceptor Class Star Cards had their rarity levels swapped
General Improvements and Bugfixes:
- Fixed an issue with Locked / Unlocked Star Cards showing the incorrect state
- Fixed a stuttering issue with DX11/12 for AMD GPU players during gameplay
- Fixed an issue with players getting a black screen when deploying
- Various crash fixes
Known Issues:
- Darth Maul’s SABER THROW ability does not always hit its target
- Sometimes, upon completing the Rodian appearance challenge the awarded crate does not display any contents. The Rodian appearance is still awarded as intended.
Thx to F8RGE
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