Forum Discussion

on3ofmany's avatar
2 years ago

Where can i acquire product key for origin for horse ranch for my child


My daughter would really love the horse ranch expansion and I would like to give it to her.
She has a child account so she can't buy anything, just redeem codes.

But then .... where do I acquire the code, cause reading up i've seen issues that if I buy the game in the origin account that I own the game.

And that is not what I want, I want to "gift" the code to my child.

Can't find the "howto" and see no option to chat with EA on this, so please help :-)

Best regards,


2 Replies

  • Welcome on the dutch sims 4 forum. Je kan je vraag gewoon in het Nederlands stellen.

  • Trismagistos's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hey @on3ofmany,

    Zoals @Lotje1981 al aangaf krijg je op deze forumpagina antwoord in het Nederlands.

    Als je een antwoord in het Engels wilt kan je jouw vraag beter even stellen op de Engelstalige forumpagina. 

    As @Lotje1981 mentioned, you will receive an answer in Dutch on this forum page.

    If you want an answer in English, it is better to ask your question on the English forum page.

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