Forum Discussion

simpsonare's avatar
2 years ago

Calling all Level 939's

Hoping the high level players are willing to hop on the thread and share their town designs. I'd love to see what others have done. I'm hoping this thread can get enough people to wow newer players! So I'll start with my town. My username also is "Simpsonare" if you'd like to add me.

  • Here's a full res link of my town.!AhgBsKnFEEv4gfxNmV7M17ldCErkRw
  • Castiel_Touk's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Well here's my town so far.
    I'm trying something new by creating section so like krustyland, old west, downtown etc...
    Been doing a lot of redesign and its a bit of a mess with the black friday stuff
  • Here you are. Speaking as someone who has nuked their town multiple times, I think this is my favorite configuration.
  • This is great! I’m always trying to get newbs excited about this game. Since I started as a Freemium player, I definitely know the "sour grapes" anxiety of not having enough donuts for all the premium event stuff. But now that I am donut rich, I try to encourage others with designs and info that hopefully inspire them to commit to a long term playing experience, and of course spend some cash to keep it afloat. In fact, I splurged this Black Friday and spent real cash myself! (I’ll be making a post discussing this soon)

    Anyway, here’s my latest town portrait. Idk how you folks are 939 and yet still have so much free space! This event’s items with the Atoms stadium I built has consumed one of the last large empty land parcels I was saving. I’m now about 98% full.

    I really wish we could zoom in just a tiny bit more without over-pixelating. *sigh*
    During the next event break, I will be enhancing this map to draw neighborhoods and district boundaries.

  • I hope my pockets of undeveloped land and parks shows the boundaries of neighborhoods.

  • Always a work in progress but this is my Springfield currently. I’m very sporadic with my design efforts. Hit the item limit again recently which has put my designing on hold a bit.
  • AirurandoP's avatar
    Rising Newcomer

    Posted in the Panoramic Tread already but here it is again. You used to be able to zoom in on these. Can't seem to do it anymore. Am I posting it wrong?
  • Snow and all…I’m resisting spending donuts on the rest of the land, but I’m getting there. Slowly but surely.
  • I’ll probably post again when the snow clears up, looks better without.