Forum Discussion

dolejs1973's avatar
11 years ago

Cletus's Farm - what did everyone else do?

Very nice indeed :thumbup: , that's my design- its similar but everything in different other

8 Replies

  • @bluehill: we must have been thinking the same idea, mountain hillbilly style by the river.

    mine has a pumpkin *fertilized with uranium* that his oldest kid moved into, and a pile of leaves he's burning.

    oh and they're so poor, the scarecrow died of starvation!
  • Here's mine! :) I'm particularly happy with how the little gate in to Cletus farm is placed ^^
  • barryriddl474's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    11 years ago
    Lots of great designs in this thread!

    Here's mine, slightly revised with the addition of the orange tree :D

    To the right of this photo, I have marked directions to Shelbyville, as this is the edge of my property.