Forum Discussion

johnny50373's avatar
11 years ago

Ultra House. Here's mine. Let's see yours.

Looking good man :thumbup:
  • My Ultrahouse is nothing special. Frink lives here in a corner of my residential section. And he's not happy the next door neighbor STILL hasn't take down their Christmas lights!
  • Combined it with Frink's lab, thinking of him as the sort of guy who would work out of his garage (and has a bizarre looking garage). As you can see, I paid special attention to adding decorations around it. (Rolls eyes.). Actually, other than Robbie Robot and that satellite dish, I could not find a single decoration that fit the aura of his home/lab, which are really quite industrial in style. ANY suggestions are welcome.

    (And, no, I wasn't around at the time they sold that weird Limited Time thing that I can't remember the name of, but it lights up, looks scientific, etc.)

  • annettemarc wrote:

    (And, no, I wasn't around at the time they sold that weird Limited Time thing that I can't remember the name of, but it lights up, looks scientific, etc.)

    The ghost zapper. I wish I could have afforded one of those, but I spent all my Halloween donuts on the ray gun, since that got me Kodos.
  • I also went for the conjoined look:

  • The fence around the Van Houten house and Ultrahouse 2 fit perfectly.