Forum Discussion

ljudah12985's avatar
10 years ago

WDYDW: Slaughter House

The smoke stacks do make for nice symmetry between the Slaughter House and Duff Factory. I like how that looks. I also see the Southern Cracker Factory beside those two. I wonder if you have the Fudge Factory further down as well? Seems like they may all go together well in a nice district. Of course, the Itchy and Scratchy studios have smoke stacks also, but the building makes more sense in an Entertainment district. Anyway, thanks again for sharing your photos.
  • Mine is the industrial area, by the Power Plant. Hard to explain why it's in a pit, but I think the smoke stacks work with the turrets, and the nearby cooling towers, from a design standpoint. Or at least I find it enjoyable!
  • 4Squares wrote:
  • 4junk3000 wrote:
    Oscar just dropped off a load of mats!
    I want to add a pen behind the building when I buy that next piece of land. If only I had the gym mats from gymast Lisa, I'd want a herd of them!

    I redid mine... Still wish i had some mats to put in the pasture...
  • direwolf987 wrote:
    Mine is also in my industrial area

    Loving the guillotines! Clever!
  • 4junk3000 wrote:
    direwolf987 wrote:
    Mine is also in my industrial area

    Loving the guillotines! Clever!

    I also think the design is clever, because the rat trap delivery truck is rather appropriate for a slaughter house situated by a fish processing facility. I'm sure it is a scavenger's paradise.