Forum Discussion

lg07cb218's avatar
11 years ago

Whats your favorite part of your town?

My one stop shop area :lol:

Or my new Buddhist temple

27 Replies

  • @LarsonSilva: Must be a great concert: even the fleet came in!

    @llovany: Wonderfully self-contained mansion district. Plus, two Stampies! (Yeah, I get that's an artifact from stitching together screen grabs, but it matches the opulence of the area!)

    @kylemueller7: I like your shops, too! I've always been jealous of people who had the foresight to plan more rivers through their towns, but there are also many fine details like the matching trees or the almost hidden fences behind the Banana Republic.

    I hope people continue to post in this thread. It's been fun to see what people value the most.
  • thanks everyone, here's another part of my town that l like:

  • My lake area:
  • This is very nice like the shape of it as well as the areas you've designed around it Iloveany
  • I like my farmland area. It is really cute when I set outside tasks of splitting wood and the scarecrow protecting the garden.

    Not to forget Krustyland, I like my Duff area.

  • i like my millionaire's row (Burns' manor just off-screen to the right)