Forum Discussion

annettemarc's avatar
11 years ago

Wooden fences -- any creative non-fence-ish ideas?

Here's what I did. Few of us went through a drive inn phase a while back.

This is an old pic, about 6 months old, has been heavily modified since. But you get the idea.
  • I don't have any pics, but people have made kind of 3D lifesaver seats, guard stations, buildings, etc.
  • Omigod. Those are beyond awesome!!! I have an idea what to do now!! (Visualizing 3-dimensions from scratch is NOT my strong suit.


  • I got this idea from another Tapped Out's being used as a landing site, at the moment.

  • MelDesigner wrote:

    Something a bit like that, yeah :lol:
  • frogger53 wrote:

    I got this idea from another Tapped Out's being used as a landing site, at the moment.

    I love the "top of a parking garage" for a landing site. Well done
  • mwdalton wrote:
    MelDesigner wrote:

    Something a bit like that, yeah :lol:

    Mel is truly a 3D master
  • All of these are great ideas ... Methinks I should spend a LOT more time in this section of the forum!

    Thanks to all. :)
  • My new Resort, not fully decorated yet. AWESOME designs above. Had the idea for a white parking garage downtown, thought I was first to think of that one, guess not, lol.