"Jabba0the0hutt;1469140" wrote:
Something is Very, Very WRONG here.
Simpsons is the first building placed - 160,000,000
KEM is the second building placed - 140,000,000
So straight off we have 20,000,000 (Or 12.5 % ). people who started the game and played less than 2-3 minutes.
Oh ho but it gets worse,
KEM can be placed multiple times and the average player would likely place 3-4.
Oh ho ho but it gets even worse,
People KEM farm considering (some like me on an industrial scale) I have 10,000kem in storage right now and very conservatively have built over 250,000.
Things that make you go ...... Hmmmmmm D'oh
Yeah the KEM to simpson's house number looks off...I am sure the true KEM to simpsons house number would make the average player be like "why do people have so many KEMs?" lol
Perhaps that number is net KEM's placed (i.e. when they are sold it subtracts from the total). Most people who KEM farm do not storage KEMs in storage, they sell them after they are built. There is no need, nor does it make sense, for most people to have 10k - or even 1 - KEMs in storage. Also, do not let the hardcore users here obscure your view of the average player who may download this game and not KEM farm. It takes quite a while to get to the point in the game to be able to KEM farm if you are actually playing the game and get through the 60 levels.