Forum Discussion

pinklittlebirdi's avatar
10 years ago

ACT 2 crafting order

nope, just craft what you like the most first^^ i started with the efcot, then the ice sculpture. still grinding for the chimney, planning to get another ice sculpture after that

6 Replies

  • The Efcot does have a 8 hour cash payout so if you need the money you might craft it first. Otherwise, just do as you feel like.
  • smohqy's avatar
    New Spectator
    10 years ago
    Craft them alphabetically, with the exception of vowels and consonants.
  • Does the crafting material change for Act 3? There's nothing I really want but hate to waste materials if things change next week.
  • I usually go for the cash payout options and the the one I like after.. Usually go with the most expensive first.