Forum Discussion

stinkbugger's avatar
9 years ago

Am I stupid for not upgrading all my fighters yet?

4 hours recovery time for 4 hour fight intervals is the only thing keeping me at 4.
5 could make it awkward a little, but not very much, plus just use a bandaid at any hint of inconvenience.

12 Replies

  • I haven't upgraded mine other than completing the quest. I am losing as much as possible though, so the 2 star ones are more useful. It is time consuming as I send them in one at a time and was happy to see the quick battle, which I mostly use, thank you EA.On the downside, I've got tons of stones and water which I only use in social battles. Seems a waste really.
    I tend to panic at the beginning and started the loser game but I'm happy to know that some didn't go for it.