Forum Discussion

  • Not mine, i started the valentine update, crashed, went back to level 37, crashed again. Then got level 38 again, with 2 donuts and now I am doing the blue haired lawyer thing again :shock: :shock: :-o :cry:
  • Sorry guys, there was a thread about it, but i need to catch up one week , so I am wayyyyy behind :lol:
  • Don't redo this. Never accept incompetence. Things never get better if you do.
  • Eh, I'm redoing the tasks because I figure a task is a task. If I'm not doing those, then I'm just sending a character on one of the routine tasks and, really, what's the difference. My biggest concern was getting back the stuff I lost, especially the limited time and donut purchased stuff. I got everything back. So yeah, bummer to have to do the same quest lines again, but what else would I be doing anyway. I am careful to make sure I keep characters freed up for the Valentine's quests though. So it takes some thought.
  • I'm just redoing it. By the time they get a fix, if they do, I'll be mostly done. No big deal, just glad to be able to get in the game at all!
  • Yeah, I'm just going to re-do the tasks again, since I got everything back.

    If someone had offered me two free donuts and an XP level reset a week ago in exchange for re-doing the Level 38 quests, I would have said "Heck yes!"