Forum Discussion

hughejars's avatar
11 years ago

Are sure you want to log out?

Huh? I don't have this button.

12 Replies

  • neuroheart wrote:
    4junk3000 wrote:
    Neglecterino wrote:
    4junk3000 wrote:
    This is not an issue for me, fortunately.

    What IS an issue is that on an android tablet, it is way to easy to hit the back, home, or recent app list buttons on the bottom of the screen. These all stop the game and you have to wait to reload.

    FGTQFS does not do this, the game simply resumes immediately if you accidentally close it. One of the few things they do better.

    Yep, same problem for me. And taking a pic, I have to hold down the power button and home button at the same time.

    Have you tried button combo power+ volume down? This works on my Nex7 and if not done "right" it just lowers the volume a little. Game stays open.

    That definitely works on my nexus, but not on my galaxy. The galaxy is home+power. Nexus is much safer for taking screenshots.

    On my Asus memo pad, I just have to hold down recent apps, which is quite handy, because if I accidentally click there, I can just hold it instead and stay on the game.

    For OP, it isn't hard to just log back in again.
  • Wow didn't realise this simple topic would generate this level of interest, thnx for the feedback everyone, my other problem is that my wife and kids also play and we have to share the tablet and sometimes you log out and instantly realise you forgot to do your friend visits or something. Happy tapping everyone. 8)