Forum Discussion

sherryt07's avatar
12 years ago

Bonus levels set at 183456

It's been stuck since KL came out

13 Replies

  • melodyhodge wrote:
    sherryt07 wrote:
    erin3213 wrote:
    This I took advantage of today...was close to leveling up so I bought a few weather stations, whoo-hoo 3 donuts -and same xp level. So then, since I know they will fix this on the next update, I spent roughly 700k on weather stations (151%multiplier)w hoo hoo 3 more donuts!

    I was thinking about doing that, but I don't really need donuts right now. I just recently bought a boatload, and still have plenty left.

    You can never have too many donuts ;)

    I agree with Melody :thumbup: Make hay while the sun shines. :wink:

    They'll come in handy in the future, you can always generate more cash.
  • What i wanna know is when you leveled up did you guess the right box to win the 3donuts straight off or did you have to pay the 50k to win the 3donuts? :lol:
  • NeoSEC28 wrote:
    What i wanna know is when you leveled up did you guess the right box to win the 3donuts straight off or did you have to pay the 50k to win the 3donuts? :lol:

    I got it on the 2nd try. No matter though, I can spare the money.