Forum Discussion

barszap785's avatar
10 years ago

Can't upgrade campfire

Are you sure you are tapping the nightmare they are looking for?

8 Replies

  • fifafrannyj wrote:
    You have to set the storytelling to whatever nightmare you need to get 200 of.

    Look at the little icon and choose the corresponding story.

    If its the skull then pick Tell a Scary Skeleton Story (Barts)

    Lisa for the little green snakeheads

    Milhouse for the Bunnies

    Martin for the Zombies

    then after the 4hr storytelling task your town will be full of things to tap and you'll get to 200 in 2 days usually.

    Thank you so much man I have got it now.
  • barszap785 wrote:
    Thanks!! Now I feel silly that it wasn't obvious to me.

    dont feel bad. i came here looking for help for the same thing. ive been playing since 2012 and this is the first time ive had to come looking for help.
  • So you only get credit for nightmares tapped in your own Springfield? I could have swore I got credit for tapping the nightmares in my friends Springfields for the first two level ups... Now, for the current level, I have exactly 6/200 despite having been in at least 15 friends towns where the nightmares I need is what I am tapping. very confusing.
  • you DO get credit for neighbor nightmares IF they match what you are collecting currently. if i need zombies, collecting bunnies, snakes, and skeletons wont do me any good on a neighbor visit
  • Then I guess I need to report a bug because my bunny count is stuck at 6 and I definitely should be much higher. I was only considering Springfields I visited that had bunnies in my earlier comment. I should have at least 30/200 not 6/200 based on visits and bunny tapping. :(
  • loridi202 wrote:
    Then I guess I need to report a bug because my bunny count is stuck at 6 and I definitely should be much higher. I was only considering Springfields I visited that had bunnies in my earlier comment. I should have at least 30/200 not 6/200 based on visits and bunny tapping. :(

    It only counts if you still have neighbour actions left (90 taps) the way to check this is to tap a Neighbours nightmare and see if it gives you a crafting currency if it does you still have neighbour actions left and the taps should count if you are tapping the right nightmare