Forum Discussion

cjharris5's avatar
10 years ago

Choice - Advice

Listen to your heart wise tapper!

8 Replies

  • Both characters are a lot of fun. You really can't go wrong on either. I'm a little more fond of Crazy cat lady, but she's also 30 more donuts.

    Just keep in mind that the community center is completely unused, even by Jasper. However, Jasper has 3 visual tasks. CCL has 2 visual tasks, but there's nothing quite like her throwing cats at people.

    If it makes a difference, CCL can earn DNA and Fertilizer (Braniac and k00k) in this event, while Jasper earns Fertilizer only (Senior and Pessimist).
  • Very difficult choice between those characters as they are both excellent, but for myself I'd go with the Crazy Cat Lady myself, love the cat throwing visual task and also like how they change from throwing cats to bunnies at Easter for the last 2 years
  • I like Jasper slightly more and even though the community center is unused it's a nice sized building with good deco options. Cat lady just comes with a tiny house :/

    However, both are solid choices.