Forum Discussion

qcoutlawz's avatar
13 years ago

Confirmation button please...

I agree with you I wasted donuts on a stupid homer Buddha by isolating my finger and got a bench this also happend at the church of Springfield when reveren love joys job was twenty four hours it decided to speed it up for me!

5 Replies

  • I've been playing for months and have probably lost close to 20 donuts by simple mistakes. I also think there should be a confirmation button for Springfield downs cause seriously if you accidently tap that stupid dog icon you immediately lose $5000
  • Whenever you click on a building to bring up it's status box, the game centers that building, repositioning your camera to the center of your screen. Therefore the box is always in the exact same placement. So what I've done is taken note of the "speed up" / waste donuts button, it's placement on the screen, and have been VERY careful about never ever clicking on a building or a character while theyre in that hot spot on the screen. After I realized this, I've successfully avoided clicking on it since. The placement is slightly to the right of the middle of the screen.
    Don't you love how difficult it is to accurately click on a building or character, forcing you to click multiple times and making accidental donut wasting a fairly frequent occurrence? Oh the marketing.
    EDIT: I forgot to say, a confirmation button is MUST HAVE. This is the only game I frequently play that doesn't have a confirmation message when it comes to donut spending. One day stupid useless Bart the raven showed up in my Springfield and I was short thirty or so donuts... I assume I was scrolling through the menu and accidentally clicked on him and purchased him none the wiser.
  • I'm just wondering...

    For all of the talk about the confirmation button idea, has anyone actually submitted a formal complaint about it to EA's help center? Yes, yes, I know the chance that they would actually act on such a formal request is probably laughably small. But, on the other hand, we **know** they don't read any of the ideas posted here, so there's little real point in continuing to bring it up (other than an opportunity to vent).
  • It is pure evil not to have a confirm button. You have some time to cancel the task acceleration...but it is not long enough.
  • ^Imagine if it did it automatically? EA will NEVER add this, they get more money this way.