Forum Discussion

mathumster385's avatar
10 years ago

Criminal strategy

You do have a chance at donuts when tapping criminals in neighbor towns (as long as you're maxed on FP).

9 Replies

  • I don't think tapping on criminals has any effect on their availability for other neighbours, so I say tap away!
  • Don't worry and tap away. If the criminals are like ghosts, feds, etc., your neighbors and your neighbors' neighbors will have an unlimited supply.

    Edit: ninja'd by 20 seconds.
  • Good question! I wondered this as well but assumed it worked like past events. Good to get confirmation on that point.
  • Another criminal question I have -- (probably been answered elsewhere, but didn't notice it confirmed)

    Does it matter to the neighbors either way if I do NOT capture their criminals? I mean, when the criminals stop paying out rods, if I just tap the 3 buildings but not the criminals in their towns, do they lose out on anything they would have gotten if I HAD tapped the criminals?

    Did that make any sense?
  • annettemarc wrote:
    Another criminal question I have -- (probably been answered elsewhere, but didn't notice it confirmed)

    Does it matter to the neighbors either way if I do NOT capture their criminals? I mean, when the criminals stop paying out rods, if I just tap the 3 buildings but not the criminals in their towns, do they lose out on anything they would have gotten if I HAD tapped the criminals?

    Did that make any sense?

    I can't answer your question but I can offer you advice, if you stop tapping criminals but continue to tap buildings you are cheating yourself out of money,xp and the chance of a donut/fp
  • I didn't run out of criminals to tap on my friend rounds last night, in fact there seemed to be a bunch in every town I visited, so I don't think it actually matters.
  • annettemarc wrote:
    Another criminal question I have -- (probably been answered elsewhere, but didn't notice it confirmed)

    Does it matter to the neighbors either way if I do NOT capture their criminals? I mean, when the criminals stop paying out rods, if I just tap the 3 buildings but not the criminals in their towns, do they lose out on anything they would have gotten if I HAD tapped the criminals?

    Did that make any sense?

    I tapped on criminals in my main town using my feeder town and saw no change when I went into my main town to clear the handshakes (ie I didn't get a text popup saying "neighbor x caught criminals for you here are some rods" or any change in the far as I can tell tapping criminals doesn't do anything for your neighbors. Criminals do drop donuts but I'll be honest, tapping 6 items takes too long when I can just tap 3.
  • annettemarc wrote:
    Another criminal question I have -- (probably been answered elsewhere, but didn't notice it confirmed)

    Does it matter to the neighbors either way if I do NOT capture their criminals? I mean, when the criminals stop paying out rods, if I just tap the 3 buildings but not the criminals in their towns, do they lose out on anything they would have gotten if I HAD tapped the criminals?

    Did that make any sense?

    No they dont lose, my feeder town is not updated yet and still I can tab phonebuildings and criminals there.