Forum Discussion

carvensno's avatar
12 years ago

downloading updates everyday

carvensno wrote:
Everyday and sometimes 2xday when i go to play TSTO game will download the complete set of updates from number1 to present update. It's been doing this since last update. Did a search on this and came up none. anyone else having this problem? :roll: TIA

Nope... :(

7 Replies

  • carvensno wrote:
    Everyday and sometimes 2xday when i go to play TSTO game will download the complete set of updates from number1 to present update. It's been doing this since last update. Did a search on this and came up none. anyone else having this problem? :roll: TIA

    Quite funny. EA pulling a joke on us?
  • carvensno wrote:
    Everyday and sometimes 2xday when i go to play TSTO game will download the complete set of updates from number1 to present update. It's been doing this since last update. Did a search on this and came up none. anyone else having this problem? :roll: TIA

    Sounds like something might be wiping your cache. Try uninstalling and reinstalling the app.
  • RenegadeMoose wrote:
    carvensno wrote:
    Everyday and sometimes 2xday when i go to play TSTO game will download the complete set of updates from number1 to present update. It's been doing this since last update. Did a search on this and came up none. anyone else having this problem? :roll: TIA

    Sounds like something might be wiping your cache. Try uninstalling and reinstalling the app.

    Tried that already x2. Thanks.
  • justme82177 wrote:
    carvensno wrote:
    Everyday and sometimes 2xday when i go to play TSTO game will download the complete set of updates from number1 to present update. It's been doing this since last update. Did a search on this and came up none. anyone else having this problem? :roll: TIA

    Are you on a jail broken device running icleaner?

    Ya now that you mention it LOL and now it makes sense LOL DOH :thumbup: :D !!!!!
  • justme82177 wrote:
    Yeah just remove tapped out from the cleaning list I made that mistake before as well. To bad I had to update to 6.1.4 or I'd still be using that awesome app.

    Ah you lost your JB??? Thats sucks!! :cry: sorry to here that!
  • justme82177 wrote:
    Tell me about it, luckily the ipad still has it but I barely use the darn thing anymore,
    As a side note you really shouldn't need to run icleaner more then say once in a month it has been known to produce ill effects with over usage particularly the pro version which can remove launch daemons and other things which aren't recommended.

    Ya i know LOL, just been doing some theme modding to it and running it to clear out the junk. Plus im running the free ver.