7 years ago
ETA on glitch fix?
Wednesday afternoon I experienced that dreaded glitch - the flashing of old events, the inability to clear or initiate character tasks using the icon in the upper-left corner, reduced tapping radius. ...
"chrisdirai146;c-1937293" wrote:"KrustyBrand;c-1937286" wrote:"chrisdirai146;c-1937285" wrote:
I'm beginning to think that perhaps maybe the forum should be turned off from all posts that are not regarding glitch issues until EA gets with the program. If all of the game discussion topics were about the glitch maybe they would take this more seriously...
I don’t think so. What would be the point of that? We already know that EA barely pays attention to what’s going on here.
The point would be that the forum would only be in use to glaringly bring light to a major problem that for all intents and purposes, is NOT being worked on with urgency. Coming from an almost day 1 adopter of TSTO that has spent almost $1k on this game, yeah, I expect to be taken seriously when their business model prohibits the need to continue to spend real money on a faulty product. Case and point- if you paid Amazon $$$ for Prime membership but the post office was unable to deliver to your address, would you keep spending money to not get 2 day shipping or any shipping for that matter?
Not ranting for no reason. I was hit by the glitch, got it fixed and thankfully have not had a return to the bug. It is seriously disheartening to continue to see many many users every day adding to the list of those affected. And now, it seems that EA is reluctant to rollback those that catch it!? Now that is nonsense.