"Muhsterino;c-1938985" wrote:
I do feel that if this is not fixed soon, then the game will close, as it is affecting more and more players with each passing day.
I’ve grown increasingly concerned with the passing months about EA’s seeming inability to get a handle on this bug and what that failure portends for the long-term viability of this game. Not being able to fix a bug in an already bugged game is one matter — while not not the optimal solution, rollbacks are always an option. But not being able to prevent new cases or re-glitched games is a far more troubling issue. It suggests to me that the game’s coding has become so unwieldy and complex that it now routinely defeats programmers’ efforts to debug all but the most trivial of problems. As a long-time player, if I were hit with this bug tomorrow, I would have to think long and hard about the advisability of continuing.