Forum Discussion

cbratushesky's avatar
11 years ago

Friend visit after 90 limit

It benefits you. Earn FP, money and donuts

4 Replies

  • I believe the main benefit friends get from your visits involves the gremaliens, whether you're collecting probes in their town or not. Essentially, squishing the Rigellians is for you, and releasing gremaliens is for them. (I wish I had more gremaliens. They're not dropping nearly fast enough.)
  • Didn't want to start a new topic, but is anyone else not registering their full points total on the neighbours leaderboard? I've got 1400, but it's saying I only have like 600 on the leaderboard. Or am I missing something?
  • terend2013 wrote:
    kingmob31838 wrote:
    Didn't want to start a new topic, but is anyone else not registering their full points total on the neighbours leaderboard? I've got 1400, but it's saying I only have like 600 on the leaderboard. Or am I missing something?

    Leader board point are not the same as your probes collected, which is probably what your 1400 is. your 600 is related to Gremaliens squishes and drops in other Springfields

    Nice one. Makes perfect sense.