Atomic Beam wrote:
jaffaface wrote:
Atomic Beam wrote:
jaffaface wrote:
Atomic Beam wrote:
I figured out a way to get back your donuts if you just wasted them on a budhaa homer to get a white fence, (FIRST) make sure you can purposly crash your game on its own, you can do that by placing over 2 hundreds brown house in a row all in a big pile of trash brown s***. the game will then get serious lag issue when swiping from left to right your screen rapitidly in the brown houses and then the game will crash. (SECOND) buy a budhaa or preferably a mysterie box and then if its crap that you don't want, go back to your city and quickly swipe left to right your screen to crash the game on purpose. YOU HAVE ABOUt 10 SECONDS BEFORE THE GAME SAVES AUTOMATICALLY, so practice your skill on crashing your game xD if done correctly, you will crash, the game won'T save in time your wasted donuts and when you get back in the game you will still have your donuts you just used. Reapeat processus until you get something cool.
It work. I am currently doing it...
You sir have just given us an exploit that will make EA, fix the stability issue, or end house farming :?
If we all do this, EA will soon pick up on the cheat and try to resolve it, so they either stabilise the game or cap how many brown houses you can buy lol.
I don't care honestly, I can buy thounsands of different house I legitly acquired over 10million dollars by farming...and I will farm as much as I want...
I don't think you saw my point. I was trying to say it was a good thing, but you just came back all defensive. No hard feelings though, I can tell it's because your dense.
I'm sorry, but everyone is attacking me here so, also I am not english, I am canadian, so I may be missing some of your point only misunderstanding :(...sorry
Not to worry,......and, no one can attack you on here, they can be rude, but they can't attack you, you have distance and anonymity remember (kinda)If you see a rude comment just don't respond.
And Spiffshine was not attacking you either, SHE'S also supporting your previous comments. I really don't think forums are for you. With the language barrier n all.