Forum Discussion

davesangor05's avatar
12 years ago

Goo total?


You may have to pick up the pace and add some neighbors.
  • Friends are the key....
    there's an add me thread at the top of the game discussion page
  • 101 (max friends+OSF)*= 808goo (a day)

    You need aprox. 5600goo

    -->5600/808=6.9 (days)

    So you can make it in 7 days, just by visiting 101 friends every day. Dont forget, that you also get goo from tasks, quests and most importantly gremlins. You could do it in less then 6 days.
  • davesangor05 wrote:
    Is it difficult to visit all 101 friends a day?

    Not difficult, but time consuming. I devided it into 3 groups (34 in the first two and in the last one 33), which I visit on different times of the day. It takes me anywhere from 30-45min to visit one group, depending on what is on TV in the backround.
    So in total I spend 1.5h-2h a day visiting. I don't know about others, but I bet there are faster ones out there. :wink:
  • Thanks all! :) If any of you have open spaces please let me know! I'm only up to 34 friends <.<


    1 other question concerning goo: Should I squish the gremlins on my town or leave em be? I know I get no benefit from having them but I get 2 from squishin... But something tells me its a bit of a 'you scratch my back i'll scratch yours' situation.. where both parties can benefit from leaving them alone...