11 years ago
Hoarding Results
I did the same and after opening approximately a similar number of treat bags I am now 1,079 Rays closer to the Bulldozer-Saurus (other three treat bags opened). I am not saving eggs however as I drop...
xamovo wrote:
I had around a hundred bags and eggs. I ended up with around 50 more eggs. I finally got to put them in my friends' towns, as I had the glitch and had stopped until it was fixed (then figured I'd just wait for today).
My bags were ok. I got 8 donuts and one batch of spooky walls. Leveled up my nail board once. Between bags and my trick or treaters coming off task, I got the first ray gun bag and will shortly get the second. One more after that and I'll be working for the dinosaur truck thing from the Avatar spoof. I only got one ammo, which kind of sucked. Then when I shot down the UFOs, I didn't get anything amazing.
I'm glad I hoarded, but I'm still working on the Grand Pumpkin. I know I'll get it before the end, but it's so hard to get candy bars and pumpkins.