Forum Discussion

ramartcon's avatar
11 years ago

How do you know when you've played too much TSTO?

Hah! Halloween 2013 was much darker than this year

17 Replies

  • When you keep stats on everything so you'll know if you'll make your targets, and know when to start hoarding those treat bags.
  • smohqy's avatar
    New Spectator
    11 years ago
    When you're walking your daughter to school and you look at the neighborhood and think, "Someone forgot to leave some brown houses for Friends to tap."
  • When you watch the Every Simpsons Ever marathon or blocks on your computer or device and try to tap Sideshow Bob every time he's on screen...
  • I had a dream the other night that my town was nuked against my will and I had to redo everything.
  • RichardJH11 wrote:
    I had a dream the other night that my town was nuked against my will and I had to redo everything.

    I have had this dream. Woke up and was in tears, my boyfriend told me I was mumbling in my sleep, and asked what was wrong, and I realised it was a dream! (But still had to log on straight away and check!)
  • That's funny, I also had a dream about the game a few weeks ago, but it was telling me that I had too many decorations in my town and I was actually freaking out a little, trying to decide what to remove. I was pretty relieved when I woke up.

    That's the point where I actually started to wonder if I have a tapping addiction...
  • tommy1724 wrote:
    When I saw a stranger on the streetcar tapping Rigelians, and thought very seriously about asking if he wanted to be my friend.

    I talked to a girl on the bus because she was tapping, wished her luck with the Halloween event.