Forum Discussion

joshsherer's avatar
12 years ago

I showed my wife my Squidport. She said to call it Squeezeport.
Seriously every post i've seen from you so far is about complaining!
But squeezeport is a pretty good name, i have to admit.

27 Replies

  • Xclusiv7 wrote:
    i think boards should not have 24hour time periods, its silly just like if roads or pavement per square had that .
    lol it gets worse than just 24 hrs! :lol:
  • Everyone is entitle to there own opinion so
    You don't agree with the op, don't attack him, just don't answer IMO
  • Wow lol, there's a lot of tension and anger in these comments. Overall I enjoy Squidport. It's taken some time, but it's starting to take shape for me. But I get people not liking the pacing. Still though, it was completely free.
  • P003htb wrote:
    JoshSherer wrote:
    chelsea0790 wrote:
    Ignore the OP if you don't like what he says.

    Following him around and posting 'stop complaining' and 'wahmbulance' pics is trolling in itself =\

    Thanks 8)

    Wow, I can literally feel myself get dumr and dumr az i reed yor poasts.

    Hey, stop making fun of emcee's spelling!!!
  • Jay_Kay_4747 wrote:
    paulzuk wrote:
    Now that I am familiar with the OP and recognise him through his posts, I can't but notice something... nuff said. :wink:

    Rofl.. Perfect execution.

    :wink: Thanks. Just realised I made a typo. It should have read: I can't "help" but notice something. Serves me right for posting just before bed. :lol: