Forum Discussion

joshsherer's avatar
12 years ago

If a neighbor taps your rocks/stump/log it regenerates quicker???

Same with buildings, if you tap a neighbor's ready snake producing item the timer will reset and they'll be able to collect again sooner.

8 Replies

  • This shouldn't come as a surprise to you. It's always been like that for anything a friend can tap.
  • Please prioritize these for tapping when visiting towns it makes a big difference!
  • evilminivan wrote:
    When is the best time to get your log tapped, when its full of after you emptied it?

    You can only tap them when their timer is up just like houses, they look they have cash floating above them.
  • evilminivan wrote:
    I know this is basic stuff for you guys so I apologize but when is the timer up for the tapper, is it the at the same time it's up for the owner?

    Yes, basically you are resetting the timer for them. So when they get on they will then be able to collect the snakes/cash like normal but the timer has reset from the time you tapped it so they don't need to wait as long to collect it next. This is why it is important to look for things like this when tapping :)
  • cactusrob wrote:
    nnutnut wrote:

    I caved in and bought a log for my town, I'm just wondering Does the tapper ( your neighbor) receive a snake bonus too?



    This is disappointing. :(
  • I've been going out of my way to tap on rocks/logs/etc. for those who have them if they're ready to collect. I hope people are doing the same for me and my lonely rock.