Forum Discussion

maximbarne126's avatar
11 years ago

Is Tapped Out working for you? POLL!

Working fine for me

47 Replies

  • panopticnic wrote:
    neuroheart wrote:
    panopticnic wrote:
    neuroheart wrote:
    Is anyone having trouble outside the UK?

    Yup, I am in Canada

    I'm stumped, then.

    It's gotta be an issue on EA's side.

    But it's not a general server issue, it's not a localized server issue, and it's not a platform or OS issue. It seems completely random to me.
  • Works most of the time. However, when I send Feds to other neighbors, my game crashes & quits. Totally irritating. I don't want my neighborinos to hate me but I can't send them. Anybody else experiencing this issue?
  • bri41081 wrote:
    I've been playing literally for years and now after the Black Friday event, IF I'm able to get in, my town has been reset to level 1. My character when signing in still says 47/48 (can't recall which is top now). Any help??!?! Either that or I'm uninstalling. :cry:

    Exactly the same thing happened to me. Was working fine just over an hour ago, the game froze and my phone restarted. Turned the game back on, it said level 47 but kept loading at the level 1 screen. It's been like that for the last hour. Always says level 47 but loads at level 1. This with the server issues yesterday is ridiculous.
  • It works on my Kindle. But I'm unable to play on my Samsung Galaxy S5. :(
  • It really does seem random. I'm in the UK and play on my ipad via wifi, had one error connecting so restarted my ipad and no problems since.
  • I logged on this morning no problems and just now i had to try twice to get in

    Is it working for all of you now?