Forum Discussion

LilJonny64's avatar
9 years ago

Natural desasters idea

nice idea, but i think they wont make something like this. the only thing i can imagine is a drought wave coming over springfield, which leads to many burning trees/houses(/characters? :lol: ) to introduce us to the fire department or badlands. floodings, volcanos, earthquakes and hurricanes might be a little to much (although id really like to see this)

6 Replies

  • Throwing out another idea here to help make this seem a little more realistic, I noticed with the casino stuff. Everything was done in levels and stages. Maybe we can do 1 natural desaster at a time as an event level. Level 1 is earthquake, Later on level 2 can be Tsunami, Level 3 can be Volcanos. Not sure if an idea like this breaking it up into smaller level events might make the creating of it a little more realistic but its an idea. I will let people toy with this idea for a bit and let mods and game developers toy with this topic for a while. See what everyone thinks of it. Have fun everyone
  • canonically there have been various disasters that have hit Springfield my favorite one would be the episode Hurricane Neddy where homer and lisa have an arguement:

    Homer: "Oh Lisa! There's no record of a hurricane ever hitting Springfield."

    Lisa: "Yes, but the records only go back to 1978 when the Hall of Records was mysteriously blown away."

    In-game you do have building facades of a "disaster" struck kind of building the swat tank comes to mind, it can hit the brown house, kwik-e mart or the quick & fresh place, as such each has a facade making it look as if hit by a tank.

    only issue, is, would it be in bad taste?

    Your intentions mean well, but if a natural disaster hit during the event some media may take that BS spin and call EA "insensitive" or someone playing may be insulted as they or a loved one may have survived said natural disaster and feel the portrayal was insensitive.

    Or i dont know, if there is money in it, maybe EA will do it, however it will require of Ralphs "Ralphisms", for example if theres a storm and it begins to flood he might say " Uh oh gods watching Titanic again" or if there is an earthquake "Gods girlfriend is visiting him again" something like that
  • We kinda had this event with Clash of Clones. Neighbours or random players would visit your town and destroy buildings. You could attack them back or attack neigbours/random towns. Event currency was collected by attacking or clearing the attacks on your own town.

  • nissa762 wrote:
    We kinda had this event with Clash of Clones. Neighbours or random players would visit your town and destroy buildings. You could attack them back or attack neigbours/random towns. Event currency was collected by attacking or clearing the attacks on your own town.

    In that case, those were "man-caused" disasters. :D
  • I mentioned this a few years back

    (Bart's comet, Sp armory - the missile to destroy Bart's comet, Only bridge out of town -gets blown up by armory for Bart's comet, Flanders bomb shelter- gets blown up by Bart's comet, Build bridge,armory, Fbs. Armory blows up bridge comet destroys shelter. Rebuild and do it again (it can happen). For money and xp.)

    This would fit and already happened in the show.
  • sorry but doubt this will ever happen with the real life ones being too much sensible thing. something from space or something made up maybe. but something that is in RL doubt it