Forum Discussion

janet520915's avatar
4 years ago

Oh dear, oh dear

I have read all the helpful threads. It must be me. Yesterday, up came catch Bob. On my second game I got as far as the third part when he actually appeared in my town but once tapped his quest now has a big red cross on it... What??

On my first game I got onto the second part and the quest has disappeared. Gone!

I think I will have to accept that Bob is not for me.

  • Well, can you hear me cheering?? I think that I had a wait of 12 hours but the curse was removed and I went into Other Springfield and hung around and got him twice and finished the task. All mine now??. To make it even better, the quest re-popped up on my other game so will get him there I hope... Only a game! Thank you for your help.
  • That is where I caught him. Then he appeared in my town so I tapped him and this happened. I have been in the other Springfield and tapped him but nothing. Very annoying but I really can't be bothered... It is only a game! Thank you anyway.
  • @janet520915 Only catch Bob in Other Springfield. If you go in and out without tapping any buildings he will respawn.
    Since you tapped him in your own town you may have to wait 24 hours to continue