12 years ago
OT: TV Shows
Your list is missing Duck Dynasty. One of my favourites. :) I don't watch a lot of reality tv but I find the Robertsons highly entertaining. Ghost Hunters is another one I really like. Game of...
LinusB09 wrote:
to LandofComedy,
I have you in my friend list.Land0fComedy wrote:Jimbeeze wrote:kmendo88 wrote:shaygitz wrote:kmendo88 wrote:shaygitz wrote:kmendo88 wrote:
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Also started The Walking Dead. Addicting show despite the racist/sexist undertones.
How is it racist/sexist??
Among other things, a very poor portrayal for any character in the show that isn't a white male. One could simply chalk it up to typical hollywood character pandering, but it's very telling when you compare the contrast between characters on the show and in the comic.
I came into it clean, with no knowledge of the comic, so I can't speak to that. But there are several strong women on the show, and unless I'm wrong Glenn is Asian. The black characters aren't stereotyped, and even the villains seem to be all white. They won't win any awards, but it seems like the writers are going out of their way to appear evenhanded.
The women are very weak, lackadaisical, and at times they freeze up and become nothing more than burdens. I remember a particular scene where one of the female characters basically gets 'spooked' and is bed ridden for the majority of the time. Like, really? All the problems and drama came out of the female characters who act really as nothing more than supporting props for the drama, and give way to their emotions throughout the entire show. This has changed in the latter episodes after critics spoke out about it.
I'd also disagree about there not being any stereotypes. The only black character, which is a completely made-up-for-TV character, was named 'T-Dog' ffs. He also had pretty much no dialogue and, again, served as no more than a prop for other characters. We don't even see any sense of character development out of him until he dies.
I mean, c'mon now.
T-Dog was the man, RIP
There's a few and you must be forgetting my main b!t*h from the show Michonne. :D
I can't agree more about Michonne... love her. Maggie is great, as well. Love that show.