Forum Discussion

elmalynn's avatar
11 years ago

Question for garbage collectors

I keep them because it looks good in certain areas. Nuclear barrels & waste by the Power Plant

Canister on Cletus' Farm

And so forth. I wish they would introduce new ones when new Land Expansions are released.

What's usually do to prevent from Homer & Lisa cleaning up the wrong ones, I'll find where one of them is at. Then I'll move one of the garbage pieces I don't need by them & immediately have them pick it up. Then while they're picking it up, I'll move the rest by them & just have them finish all those up.
  • I cleaned up like 90% of my garbage (keeping only a minimal few as cosmetic pieces). I now totally regret doing it and wish I could somehow earn or purchase more to use in other decorating ventures.
  • Deadshot_DCU wrote:
    I keep them because it looks good in certain areas. Nuclear barrels & waste by the Power Plant

    Canister on Cletus' Farm

    And so forth. I wish they would introduce new ones when new Land Expansions are released.

    What's usually do to prevent from Homer & Lisa cleaning up the wrong ones, I'll find where one of them is at. Then I'll move one of the garbage pieces I don't need by them & immediately have them pick it up. Then while they're picking it up, I'll move the rest by them & just have them finish all those up.

    same for me. I think it looks a little cool around power plant.
  • I pretty much agree with Deadshot. Currently there's a whole bunch if them in one spot because I'm planning something. But usually I hide what I can't use as a decoration. I rarely clean them up because you never know when you'll have a good idea!
  • I don't remember any donut from trash after the tutorial. Once I discovered I can move the trash; I started to save it.
    If you are creative, you can use it in many paces the plain barrels look good around KWE, the blobs looks like leaks and can be placed where you need a leak (or just the look).

    Right now I have the snowplow scraping up th nuclear barrels. (at least he has a purpose between snowstorms
    Oh I forgot I store a lot of debris on the upper edge of the Nuclear plant. Great effect when the plant is occupied the steam gives a glowing effect
  • I kinda felt it was a must have -- for a few pieces at least -- with the power plant. Plus I've got bits and pieces here and throughout my neighborhood, maybe a total of 10 or 15 pieces. They really do come in handy.
  • Deadshot_DCU wrote:
    I keep them because it looks good in certain areas. Nuclear barrels & waste by the Power Plant

    Canister on Cletus' Farm

    And so forth. I wish they would introduce new ones when new Land Expansions are released.

    What's usually do to prevent from Homer & Lisa cleaning up the wrong ones, I'll find where one of them is at. Then I'll move one of the garbage pieces I don't need by them & immediately have them pick it up. Then while they're picking it up, I'll move the rest by them & just have them finish all those up.

    My system is I only use Lisa. Then I make her read a book (45 second task which requires a tree), then I pick up the tree and move it to the debris I want her to clean, since those are all in the same area (newly purchased land)
  • Deadshot_DCU wrote:

    What's usually do to prevent from Homer & Lisa cleaning up the wrong ones, I'll find where one of them is at. Then I'll move one of the garbage pieces I don't need by them & immediately have them pick it up. Then while they're picking it up, I'll move the rest by them & just have them finish all those up.

    Oh! Thanks for that, I'll give it try!
  • wickedwife42 wrote:
    I too cleaned most of mine but decorated with some....... Mostly because I only found donuts once again after the tutorial and it was 1 so...... With those odds I decorated with some.
    I've had friends who cleared all say the same thing only one or maybe two piles have donuts.....

    I haven't kept track too carefully, but I seem to get a donut approximately every 12 clean ups, from both Homer and Lisa.
  • mpwarner wrote:
    Most of mine is here

    Some by power plant as well. Tbh I don't have many donuts and they give variety when decorating

    Looks good m8 :thumbup:
  • I used to use trash in certain parts of my town, but constantly being careful with homer and Lisa during their clean up tasks was becoming too tedious. I kinda wish they added trash decorations to the game. It would liven up my runner down part of town.