Forum Discussion

stellstone's avatar
9 years ago

Railyard Donut Question

once you complete the tasks for the week, that's it until next week when it resets and a new set of tasks are offered (even if you finish all the weekly tasks in under a day).

  • The extra donuts were substitute prizes for those who already have the terminals. So if you're winning terminals, you won't be winning the extra donuts.
    There's a chart illustrating it in the other thread discussing it. If you want to see where you are in relation.
  • Well, like me, you're getting monorail stations instead of the donuts that everyone else is getting. It's okay though, because after Week 5 (when you get your second monorail tunnel) you will begin receiving 5 donuts every week and an extra 10 pieces of random track :D
  • Do you think there could be a Monorail 2 event coming with all new stations, or this is it?
  • Chris60119 wrote:
    Do you think there could be a Monorail 2 event coming with all new stations, or this is it?

    I doubt there will ever be a Monorail 2 event, just add-ons like new stations. However, there are 2 premium stations that haven't been re-released yet, a North Pole one and a Krusty Burger station. I doubt there will be more freemium stations though. Possibly a Halloween station, maybe?