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LaggyStag's avatar
12 years ago

'Rarest' outside tasks

Santa homer one is bugged everytime I try and use it a couple mins later he's walking around town.

6 Replies

  • ecneralc wrote:
    Santa homer one is bugged everytime I try and use it a couple mins later he's walking around town.

    Yeah, it only resets for me if I move something in my town, it's like Mad Texan's mechanical bill task
  • ecneralc wrote:
    But the ride broom for marge one I use every once and awhile but I love the mr.plow sing the song one and eat the key one

    I love mr.plows tasks imo, he is the most underused character
  • dominic115 wrote:
    Yes I know the term rare probably isn't suitable, but I thought, what are the least common tasks you see? For me it's
    3rd: Witch Marge - Ride the broomstick. I see this hardly ever, I'm surprised considering its a 8hr task.
    2nd - Santa Homer - Ride the sleigh. I think I saw this once or twice around christmas and never since. It's also great because he does a flyover the screen, like Kang in his UFO
    1rd Mr.Plow - Eat Key to the City. Overall I think this is the most underused character, I have only seen him about 5 times in neighbours towns, but that has always been 'clear snow', I have never seen this task used by others, I use it :D. But homer does have several skins.

    The only one of these I don't do daily is the "Ride the Sleigh" task. I don't like to keep Homer busy too long right now. With my luck, the day I start him on that task, we'll get an update. And most questlines need Homer at some point.
  • Marge victory lap, or drive the broomstick like you said is one of my favorite task
    If she doesn't fly she protest
    Personally I don't like when Homer rides his sleight, you see him to often, if he would show up every 3/5min that's OK
    But not every 30sec....
    I always try to do outdoor tasks , I wish there was more of them
  • I know it's boring, but I never do out-of-season tasks. Just looks weird
  • sigh.... more apple only tasks.

    I think a lot of these are rare because the android version wasn't released or we weren't worthy of origin support at the time