Forum Discussion

cinthiafer260's avatar
10 years ago

Requesting Halloween Yard Sale! Or Regular Yard Sale

Yes. I really want the super collider, ultra house, and Springfield cemetary but so far it looks like they aren't releasing them. Also the teleporters too.

3 Replies

  • Springfield Falls
    Devil donut cart
    Frinks robo dog
    Laramie cig machine
    Prior yard sale items
    Whacking day.....I missed first year and there hasn't been once since
  • Would be great if they added some new items for "us" veterans who have all these items as well.

    House of Evil Shopkeeper (playable character)
    Blue Demon (playable character)
    Gypsy Fortune Teller (playable character)
    Gremlin (NPC)
    Monkey Paw Vendor (playable character) with Moraccan Street Stand & Monkey Paw decoration