Forum Discussion

barryriddl474's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
11 years ago

Squidport Water Abnormality with 2 Photos

For the first time a look at the mountain coastline - and a hint that there is something beyond the mountains? Krustyland? or Shelbyville?

29 Replies

  • Wow. I noticed this last night. But I have a new device so I was wondering if it was just that. Previously when I scrolled further out there was always a bit of land showing in the upper corner. I took a screen shot I was so amazed!
  • I'm pretty sure I noticed it when I was making a panorama about a month ago. I went through my screenshots, though, and couldn't find a pic.

    It's most likely just a graphics thing. The game renders a couple of non-buildable parcels of land in each direction to blanket the visible periphery of your town, though you are actually able to scroll a little bit past the edge. Easiest to do in land expansion mode if you drag and hold. If you look closely, you can actually trace it alongside the entire bottom edge of the map. You can also see it along the entire south edge of Krustyland, too.
  • At least the light blue water beyond the mountains has always been there. I already noticed it when squidport was released.
  • bat_arnold55 wrote:
    I've noticed that at least two of my neighbors have all the land - and I mean ALL THE LAND. How did this happen. One of them also has way more boardwalk than I've been able to buy as well as multiple Squidport entrances. Is this some kind of known hack? I tried searching the Forums for a discussion but found nothing.

    Yes it is a hack. Two strips of land are already coded in the game so if you hack it, you can release them. I am against any form of hacking (movie, music, software,...) because I think someone's work has value and should be rewarded but I really don't understand why you would hack a game. What is the point if you can have everything right away??

    Anyway, We haven't had a "game changer" update such as squidport or krusty land for a while... I think EA is up to something.... The question is : what could it be???
  • egrrrrrr wrote:
    bat_arnold55 wrote:
    I've noticed that at least two of my neighbors have all the land - and I mean ALL THE LAND. How did this happen. One of them also has way more boardwalk than I've been able to buy as well as multiple Squidport entrances. Is this some kind of known hack? I tried searching the Forums for a discussion but found nothing.

    Yes it is a hack. Two strips of land are already coded in the game so if you hack it, you can release them. I am against any form of hacking (movie, music, software,...) because I think someone's work has value and should be rewarded but I really don't understand why you would hack a game. What is the point if you can have everything right away??

    Anyway, We haven't had a "game changer" update such as squidport or krusty land for a while... I think EA is up to something.... The question is : what could it be???
    while hacking a non iap game before you beat it runins the fun, a game riddled with IAP makes sense to hack so dont have to caugh up 1000s of RL cash.
  • bat_arnold55 wrote:
    I tried searching the Forums for a discussion but found nothing.

    Yeah, there's a reason for that. Read the stickied forum rules.