Forum Discussion
10 years ago
The Death of a Hero Pt. 1
Auto Starts
System Message: Somewhere in Springfield, a new evil rises!
Homer: Mmm... Pie.
Marge: Homie, come back to bed. You're sweets-walking again.
Homer: Mmm... must fling pie!
Marge: Homer! Where are you going?
Homer: ... PIE!!
Task: Make Homer Fling Pies Indoors
Time: 30m
Location: Simpson Home
Marge: Kids, have you seen your father? He was acting funny in bed last night. And it wasn't Jimmy Fallon funny.
Marge: I just hope he passes out somewhere safe.
The Death of a Hero Pt. 2
Auto Starts
System Message: Meanwhile. On the other side of town...
Carl: Lenny, look! It's our fruit-filled friend, Pie Man!
Lenny: I know it ain't pie, but could you autograph my sandwich, Pie Man?
Pie Man: PIE!
Lenny: Arghh!! You pie'd my eye! Why Pie Man? Why?
Task: Make Pie Man Fling Indiscriminate Pies at Springfielders
Time: 4h
System Message: All across Springfield...
Moleman: Instead of my morning muffin, my wakeup call was a pie in the puss.
Rev. Lovejoy: Someone hob-cobblered our house of worship! What Pontius Pie-lat dares wash their hands of this?
Apu: The greatest insult of all - my own putrid pies thrown back at me!
The Death of a Hero Pt. 3
Lisa Starts
Lisa: Dad, I mean... um, Dad-man, I mean... Pie-Dad, I mean...
Bart: Could we stop pretending the passed-out guy smeared with pie filling and "Homer" in Magic Marker on his underwear isn't Dad?
Lisa: I don't get it. Pie Man is supposed to be putting a crimp in this city's bad crust.
System Message: What turned the right-minded Pie Man into a wrong-doing super-dud?
System Message: Looks like it's up to Radioactive Man and Fallout Boy to take a slice out of Pie Man's crimes
Task: Build the Superior Squad HQ
Time: 4h
Lisa: What?! How can comic book characters be in Springfield?
Abraham Lincoln: You're splitting rails about outside characters, now?
Space Mutant: We've infected your Earth since it was formed *mumble-mumble* years ago!
Prof. Frink: At this juncture the rules of Springfield and science have been broken. You need to just deal *ahem* with it.
The Death of a Hero Pt. 4
Fallout Boy Starts
Fallout Boy: Heapin' high blood pressure! That forty-eight waist-product is acting strange, Radioactive Man.
Radioactive Man: You're right. It's obvious he's under the influence of some kind of mind-control ray!
Radioactive Man: We need to locate the source and destroy it!
Radioactive Man: Up and atom, Fallout Boy!
Lisa: Boy, I'm about to "fall out" of this story. What's going on?
Bart: The beauty of comic books is that you don't waste time explaining. That makes the confusing ending more satisfying!
Task: Make Fallout Boy Destroy the Mind Control Ray
Task: Make Sure NOTHING Bad Happens!
Time: 6s
Location: Brown House
Fallout Boy: I'll use my Fallout Boy powers to push the button on this Mind Control Ray.
Radioactive Man: Wait, Fallout Boy! NO!!
Fallout Boy: Radioactive Man is dead and it's all because of my dumb button-thumping finger.
Homer: Huh?... Whah?... A pie in my hand?! All in all, not the worst way to wake up from a black out.
Fallout Boy: ... and to add insult to terminal injury we didn't even cure this poor man of his pie obsession.
Lisa: Umm... no... he's back to normal... *nervous laugh*
System Message: ...and to think you thought this was a casual game!
A New Hero Rises Pt. 1
Fallout Boy Starts
Fallout Boy: What does a sidekick do when the hero he kicked sides for is dead?
Criminal: Radioactive Man is dead?! Criminals, crooks, and punks of all sizes the town is ours for the taking!
Helen Lovejoy: Won't someone please think of the children?!
Bart: Umm, Fallout Boy? I think that's your cue to be all heroic and stuff.
Fallout Boy: But I can't. Behind this mask is just a scared 32 year-old boy.
System Message: Crime is running rampant! With Radioactive Man dead and Fallout Boy turned yellow, who will save Springfield?!
System Message: This looks like a job for... um... um...
Bart: How bout The Sky Finger, lame-wad?
Homer: The Sky Finger! Of course! The nose-picking pointer of hope and justice!
Task: Tap on Criminals to Arrest Them (x20)
The event's features unlock. The quest "Unlock Arbitrarium", which is to "Unlock Arbitrarium" appears.
After tapping on 20 Criminals:
Fallout Boy: Look! In the sky! It's the Dynamic Digit of good deeds!
Criminal: The boss ain't going to like this. He needs those carbon rods for his master plan!
A New Hero Rises Pt. 2
Fallout Boy Starts
Fallout Boy: Sky Finger! Let me fight crime alongside you. Let me be a middle finger next to your index!
Fallout Boy: I pledge to you my loyalty, as I once did Radioactive Man.
Fallout Boy: There have been reports of crime sprees, larks, larfs, high and low jinks in neighboring towns. We need to act... NOW!
System Message: Foil evildoers in friend's towns by capturing criminals and reporting crimes.
Task: Arrest Criminals in a Friend's Town (x3)
Task: Report Crimes in a Friend's Town (x3)
System Message: Remember to keep checking back to see if friends have reported crimes. The faster you spring into action the bigger the rewards!
A New Hero Rises Pt. 3
Fallout Boy Starts
Fallout Boy: A good sidekick can become a great sidekick with an arsenal of snappy catchphrases.
Fallout Boy: By combining witty wordplay with my agile athleticism I'll be in tip-top fighting form alongside Sky Finger!
System Message: Elsewhere..
Dr. Crab: Hmm. It seems my little "accident" has one more survivor than I'd anticipated.
Dr. Crab: No matter. This half-pint hiccup won't interrupt my evil.
Task: Make Fallout Boy Devise New Exclamations
Time: 8h
Location: Superior Squad HQ
Task: Make Fallout Boy Practice His Moves
Time: 4h
Location: Superior Squad HQ
Superior-ior Squad HQ Pt. 1
After collecting Arbitrarium:
Fallout Boy: Almighty Ore! Thats Arbitrarium.
Professor Frink: Gloyven-moyven! Did you say Arbitrarium?! That's the rarest element known to nerd or man!
Fallout Boy: Rare elements always produce crazy reactions! Let's use it to upgrade our HQ and "thwack" crime even more!
Task: Upgrade Your Superior Squad HQ
The quest "Unlock Burns State Prison" - which is to "Unlock Burns State Prison" appears in the taskbook.
After "Upgrading" the Superior Squad HQ to Level 1:
Fallout Boy: The Sky Finger needs a superhero name and I think I've got just the ticket!
Fallout Boy: Flaming Finger! Oops, no flame. Digit of Death! Thats sorta grim. Wait, I've got it... The Hand of Justice!
System Message: Congratulations! You can now earn Arbitrarium by capturing criminals!
After tapping:
Levelling up costs: 4*(Level+1) Arbitrarium or 12*(Level+1) Donuts
Superior-ior Squad HQ Pt. 2
Task: Upgrade Your Superior Squad HQ to Level 5
Montgomery Burns State Prison Pt. 1
Mr. Burns: Mayor Quimby, I understand you're suffering a crime wave. Perhaps I could offer up a new incarcer-arium...
Quimby: But we already have a prison in Springfield.
Mr. Burns: Not an architectural wonder like the Frank Gehry Springfield Music Center!
Mr. Burns: All I did was remove orchestra seating to make it the most wretched hellhole on Earth!
Quimby: Out with the old prison, in with the new!
Task: Place Burns State Prison
The quest "Unlock Clownface", which is to "Unlock Clownface" appears in the taskbook.
After building, it spawns a Felon and:
Quimby: Burns, your prison released a dangerous felon back onto the streets of our fair city!
Mr. Burns: He served two hours for three stabbings. That's 40 minutes per plunge. I can't ask more of a man.
Quimby: He was given a life sentence!
Mr. Burns: The deal was that I only incarcerate felons, not namby-pamby them for life!
Mr. Burns: And when this brute is captured again, I look forward to collecting yet another incarceration fee!
Mr. Burns: I adore the revolving door prison system!
Quimby: Burns, I hate that you came up with this idea and I didn't!
Montgomery Burns State Prison Pt. 2
Fallout Boy: Holy Hangman's noose! Someone needs to stop those felons!
Pie Man: There are too many targets for one hurling Pie Man to hit!
Fallout Boy: We're going to need every superhero, sub-superhero, slight and insignificant hero to help save Springfield!
Pie Man: Since Santa's Little Helper is sleeping on my couch, I'll help.
System Message: You can now send characters to help wipe out crime and earn bonus rewards!
Task: Send a Super Hero to Attack a Felon (4h)
Fallout Boy: Felons are tougher than I thought. Radioactive Man always made it look so easy.
System Message: Keep giving felons the "what-for." New Felons are released every day so make sure to keep fighting!
Montgomery Burns State Prison Pt. 3
Task: Defeat Felons (x3)
Origin Story Pt. 1
After tapping
Krusty: Hey-hey, kids! Who's up for a naughty "Knock-Knock?!"
Krusty: I'll do both parts 'cause last time the audience was cryin' so much they couldn't respond...
Krusty: Knock-knock...
Krusty: Who's there?...
Krusty: Argghhhhh!!...
Task: Reach Level 7 and Build Krusty Burger
Task: Make Krusty Wear the Clownface Outfit
Clownface: Huh? Whah? Who am I?!... besides another version of a terrible clown?
Bart: You're not Krusty the Clown!
Clownface: You're right. I'm different. Like I've been seltzered in the face with a Mind Control Ray. Hoy-hoy, kids! I'm Clownface the Clown!
Origin Story Pt. 2
Krusty Starts
Clownface: As Krusty I steal the show with my yucks!
Clownface: As Clownface, forget stealing the show with yucks! I'm out to steal bucks!
Clownface: I'm less about show business and more about snow business!
Clownface: By snow I mean ice. And by ice I mean diamonds. And by diamonds I mean... well, I mean diamonds!
Clownface: By using fake TV show diamonds...
Clownface: I can dupe the world of its real gems!
Task: Make Clownface Swap Real Diamond With a Fake
Time: 6s
Location: Vulgari Jewelry Store or Krusty Burger
Clownface: Kids, don't try this at home! Why?
Clownface: 'Cause it's my deal! That's why!
A third quest unlocks on March 24th: Clownface Rises.
Super Bonus
After collecting all prizes:
Task: Collect Carbon Rods
Clownface Rises
When the players logins on February 24:
System Message: Deep within Clownface's Trailer of Doom...
Clownface: The life of crime is a cinch.
Clownface: But if I'm going to make a big score, I'm going to need some firepower...
Clownface: ...or some crappy Krusty merchandise that I can weaponize!
Clownface: Maybe I'll find something in all this junk...
Task: Make Clownface Check Krusty-Brand Merchandize
Time: 4h
Location: Krusty Burger
Clownface: No need to weaponize this stuff. This Krusty Krap is already dangerously explosive!
Clownface: Time for Clownface to make a special appearance at the National Bank of Springfield! No autographs!
Clownface: Here you go, hench-clowns! Explosive Pie Bombs - because every clown-based villain needs novelty weapons!
Homer: Wait... what? Did you say this pie was explosive?!
National Bank of Springfield
Krusty Starts
Gil: Oh boy, Gil's first day on the job as a bank security guard.
Gil: I got a uniform, and a gun, and no bullets and everything.
Clownface: Hoy-Hoy! This is a bank robbery!
Gil: Hey, you're that clown from TV! Are you shooting your show right now?!
Clownface: Uhh ... sure. That's it. It's a sketch called "Laughing All The Way To The Bank."
Clownface: And you got the part of the guard who opens the vault and helps carry out cash and gems to the getaway car.
Gil: Aw geez, this is great! Gil's big break!
Task: Place National Bank of Springfield
Task: Make Clownface Rob the Bank
Time: 24h
Location: National Bank Of Springfield
Gil: ...That scene was dynamite, but I wonder where all the cameras were?
Gil: I also wonder when that clown car is coming back with all the cash and gems?
The Collector Pt. 1
Auto Starts
Comic Book Guy: I seem to have been zapped with a Mind Control Ray, warping me back to Season 11's -- The Collector!
Comic Book Guy: They'll need a stronger mind-meld to overcome the fact that The Collector was encased in Lucite and died at the end of that episode.
Comic Book Guy: Worst.
Comic Book Guy: Update.
Comic Book Guy: Ever.
Task: Reach Level 13 and Build Android's Dungeon
Task: Make Comic Book Guy Wear The Collector Outfit
The Collector: I could fight off this Mind Control Ray but that would mean actual effort. So instead ... I give you The Collector!
The Collector Pt. 2
Comic Book Guy Starts
The Collector: So what pray tell is the purpose of my character's reboot?
Clownface: You're tagging along with me on my crime wave.
The Collector: The Collector collects for no one other than my dear, sweet Kumiko!
Kumiko: The Collector is no fool. I threatened to swap his Super Squishee for a healthy alternative.
Clownface: And they call me the villain.
Task: Make Clownface Steal The Collector's Collection
Time: 6s
Location: Android's Dungeon
The Collector Pt. 3
Krusty Starts
Clownface: Steal for me or kiss your own collection good-bye, Collector!
The Collector: My Boba Fett Belt Buckle?! My Silver Surfer Fanny Pack?! My Dr. Who Sonic Screwdriver?! All gone! You monster!
The Collector: I swear by The Collector's crop-top T-shirt, I will return these items to their Mylar repositories!
Kumiko: Does this mean you won't be back for dinner?
The Collector: Miss dinner?! Never!I shall return pre-bibbed with fork and knife in hand, my sweet!
System Message: You can now help The Collector reclaim his belongings and exchange them for prizes!
Task: Capture Criminals to Find Lockpicks
Task: Exchange Lockpicks for the Botanical Garden
The Collector: Precious memorabilia. How I've longed to run my stubby fingers over you!
The Collector: A mere Mind Control Ray pales in comparison to my love of my keepsakes.
The Collector: Please, I implore you to keep looking for more. I'll reward you handsomely if you do!
System Message: Keep performing heroic deeds and finding more items on behalf of the Collector. New Prizes now available!
Click here for The Crafting Guide
Zenith City
Task: Craft Zenith City Apartments
Task: Craft Zenith City Lofts
Task: Craft Zenith City Storefront
Zenith City Times
Task: Craft Zenith City Times
Dr. Colossus Returns!
Auto Starts
Dr. Colossus: It is I - Dr. Hector Von Colossus - the greatest evil genius of all time!
Fallout Boy: *gasp* Of course! Dr. Colossus must be behind Radioactive Man's death!
Dr. Colossus: The Mind Control Ray I purchased online worked better than I'd dreamed. And it came with free shipping!
Dr. Colossus: I suppose we should now call him Radio-Inactive Man? HA HA HA HA!
Task: Make Dr. Colossus Laugh Maniacally
Time: 4h
Dr. Colossus: With Radioactive Man out of the way, I have big plans for Springfield. Some might even call them...
Dr. Colossus: COLOSSAL ... MUA HA HA HA!
System Message: What foul felony does Dr. Colossus have up his sleeve? Roll up your sleeves to find out on March 10th!
Super Bonus
After collecting all prizes:
Task: Collect Pie-Bombs
Hector Von Colossus
When the players logins on March 10:
System Message: On this fateful day, Dr. Colossus announces his latest scheme...
Dr. Colossus: Citizens of Springfield! I am pleased to announce my evil plan for world domination...
Dr. Colossus: ... starting with your city's domination.
Dr. Colossus: If my demands are not met, I will destroy Springfield!
Homer: That's nothing. We've been destroyed a dozen times over. Six times by me alone!
Dr. Colossus: But this time the entire town will be reduced to rubble and you'll have to clean it up!
Homer: Cleaning up things is why I had kids.
Dr. Colossus: But you'd have to re-build your town too. Think of all that work!!
Homer: Jerks destroying this town are old news. They should call you a Colossal waste of time.
Dr. Colossus: Uggh! The ultimate insult. Makes me want to change my evil name!!
Task: Make Dr. Colossus Mope
Time: 1h
Criminal: Uhhh, Boss... I know this isn't a good time - but these Freeze Rays you gave us aren't working. At all.
Dr. Colossus: You're right. This isn't a good time. Report to R&D for "processing"
Super Jeb
Auto Triggers
Homer: That guy looks kind of familiar...
Lisa: Dad! It's Jebediah Springfield - the founder of Springfield...
Lisa: ...except for some reason he's wearing a mask and cape.
Fallout Boy: Actually that's a statue of Jeb Zenith - the founder of Zenith City and vanquisher of Sinister Shelb.
Lisa: Fascinating! This is going to make a great history report.
Task: Place Super Jeb
Death Mountain
Dr. Colossus Triggers
Dr. Colossus: With my Death Mountain laboratory operational, I can devise an even greater scheme to take over the world!
Dr. Colossus: ... plus the geo-thermal heated floors feel great on my tootsies.
Task: Place Death Mountain
Task: Make Dr. Colossus Hatch a New Scheme
Time: 8h
Hank Scorpio: Nice Mountain Fortress, Hector. Are you taking over the world or putting on a production of "Sound of Music?"
Hank Scorpio: I'm more of a Volcano Lair man myself.
Dr. Colossus: Your Volcano Lair doesn't have an elevator. Who wants to walk down 21 flights of stairs to get to work everyday? Not me.
Hank Scorpio: Oh, you did not just bring that up!
System Message: Fuel the rivalry and get Hank Scorpio's Volcano Lair to unlock an exclusive quest chain!
The Collider Pt. 1
Auto Starts
The Collider: I can't let Dr. Colossus know I'm really a double-agent working for the Superior Squad.
Dr. Colossus: Did you just say something devious out loud?
The Collider: Um... I... um... no.
Dr. Colossus: Just get back to work! We have a town to enslave!
Task: Make The Collider Work as a Double Agent
Time: 4h
Location: Death Mountain
The Collider Pt. 2
The Collider Starts
Dr. Colossus: It seems that no matter how hard I try my evil plans backfire.
The Collider: Have you ever thought there might be a double agent in the facility?
Dr. Colossus: No, I've never thought that.
The Collider: That's a relief.
Dr. Colossus: But now that you bring it up, it makes perfect sense. Find this traitor and eliminate him!!
Task: Make The Collider Pet Mr. Boson
Time: 24h
Dr. Colossus: Did the mole surface yet?
The Collider: The mole has been eliminated. Now feel free to let down your guard and tell me all your secret plans.
Dr. Colossus: Good job, Collider. You make evil easy.
The Collider Pt. 3
Dr. Colossus Starts
Dr. Colossus: I've done it! I've created the ultimate doomsday weapon!
The Collider: Congratulations. What does it do?
Dr. Colossus: It makes everything taste like dry chicken. I call it the "Poult-Ray."
The Collider: He's removing the plump juiciness from life, like a bad backyard BBQ?! I must stop him!
Task: Make The Collider Sabotage the Poult-ray
Time: 1h
Location: Death Mountain
Explosion: ...
The Collider Pt. 4
The Collider Starts
The Collider: Ugh. I was too close to the "Poult-Ray" when it blew.
The Collider: *cough* My juices are running clear...
The Collider: I'm cooked to a crisp. *wheeze*
Task: Make The Collider Die and Come Back in the Credits
Time: 8h
The Collider: I'm alive! Protected by a layer of exploded chicken fat.
The Collider: And my skin... so soft and supple.
Dr. Colossus: This is terrible! The Poult-ray was destroyed!
Dr. Colossus: Collider? Is that you? You look 20 years younger.
The Collider: Good living, I guess.
Dr. Colossus: It's true. Evil living does add years to a villain's life.
Dr. Colossus: Let's head back to the lab and we'll start again.
The Collider: Sure thing, boss.
Super Bonus
After collecting all prizes:
Task: Collect Freeze Rays
The following questline activates after completing the Death Mountain quest, only if the user has unlocked Hank Scorpio.
Duelling Honchos Pt. 1
Hank Scorpio Triggers
Hank Scorpio: I'm tired of you taking swipes at my lair Hector.
Hank Scorpio: Especially from a villain whose Mountain Fortress has screen doors.
Dr. Colossus: They regulate airflow. And I don't hear my skull-lined walls complaining!
Hank Scorpio: Maybe your skulls should come up with your next evil plan for you.
Dr. Colossus: That's it! I challenge you to a diabolical duel of destruction!
Hank Scorpio: That's a lot of "D's," but okay, you're on!
Task: Make Hank Scorpio Discuss the Terms of the Duel
Task: Make Dr. Colossus Discuss the Terms of the Duel
Time: 8h
Location: Death Mountain
Hank Scorpio: So this is how it'll go...
Hank Scorpio: Three rounds to prove who's the eviler evil genius.
Hank Scorpio: Whoever loses has to clean the other's lair for a month!
Hank Scorpio: Total transparency... I haven't knocked down cobwebs in a while.
Hank Scorpio: But we'll need an easy-going judge.
Homer: Did someone say "easy-opening fudge?"
Hank Scorpio: ... Or a dull-minded judge.
Duelling Honchos Pt. 2
Dr. Colossus Triggers
Dr. Colossus: Round One: Whoever has the most villainous device wins!
Homer: I have a pair of scissors that always pinch my fingers.
Dr. Colossus: The true test will be ignoring Homer.
Task: Make Hank Scorpio Test Flame Thrower
Time: 8h
Task: Make Dr. Colossus Activate Colosso-Boots
Time: 24h
Hank Scorpio: It's obvious who won that round, right Homer?
Homer: ...
Hank Scorpio: Oh, c'mon! Hector's Colloso Boots couldn't fill my tennis shoes!
Homer: But they looked cool with his outfit.
Homer: Plus your Flame Thrower was more smoke than flame.
Homer: I'm calling this one a draw.
Duelling Honchos Pt. 3
Dr. Colossus Triggers
Dr. Colossus: A good villain must command respect!
Dr. Colossus: Whoever gets the best results from his minions wins round two!
Hank Scorpio: You refer to the backbone of your evil organization as minions? I consider mine equal partners in crime.
Task: Make Hank Scorpio Be A Great Boss
Time: 24h
Location: Volcano Lair
Dr. Colossus: Make Dr. Colossus Crack the Whip
Time: 24h
Location: Death Mountain
Homer: So how'd your associates make out?
Hank Scorpio: We didn't finish. They were doing so well I gave them the rest of the afternoon off.
Dr. Colossus: And I might have Death Ray'd one or two too many. We also didn't finish.
Homer: C'mon! Get your black hearts into this! I'm calling another draw.
Duelling Honchos Pt. 4
Hank Scorpio Starts
Hank Scorpio: So what's the final round, Hector?
Dr. Colossus: To be honest, there isn't a final round. I thought I'd have won by now.
Homer: Then I'm calling it a draw!
Hank Scorpio: What does that mean?
Homer: It means that you're both losers and you both have to pay the forfeit.
Dr. Colossus: You're mopping up Death Mountain, Scorpio!
Hank Scorpio: Right after you scrunge my Volcano Lair, Hector!
Task: Make Hank Scorpio Clean Death Mountain
Time: 8h
Location: Death Mountain
Task: Make Dr. Colossus Clean the Volcano Lair
Time: 8h
Location: Volcano Lair
The Death of a Hero Pt. 1
Auto Starts
System Message: Somewhere in Springfield, a new evil rises!
Homer: Mmm... Pie.
Marge: Homie, come back to bed. You're sweets-walking again.
Homer: Mmm... must fling pie!
Marge: Homer! Where are you going?
Homer: ... PIE!!
Task: Make Homer Fling Pies Indoors
Time: 30m
Location: Simpson Home
Marge: Kids, have you seen your father? He was acting funny in bed last night. And it wasn't Jimmy Fallon funny.
Marge: I just hope he passes out somewhere safe.
The Death of a Hero Pt. 2
Auto Starts
System Message: Meanwhile. On the other side of town...
Carl: Lenny, look! It's our fruit-filled friend, Pie Man!
Lenny: I know it ain't pie, but could you autograph my sandwich, Pie Man?
Pie Man: PIE!
Lenny: Arghh!! You pie'd my eye! Why Pie Man? Why?
Task: Make Pie Man Fling Indiscriminate Pies at Springfielders
Time: 4h
System Message: All across Springfield...
Moleman: Instead of my morning muffin, my wakeup call was a pie in the puss.
Rev. Lovejoy: Someone hob-cobblered our house of worship! What Pontius Pie-lat dares wash their hands of this?
Apu: The greatest insult of all - my own putrid pies thrown back at me!
The Death of a Hero Pt. 3
Lisa Starts
Lisa: Dad, I mean... um, Dad-man, I mean... Pie-Dad, I mean...
Bart: Could we stop pretending the passed-out guy smeared with pie filling and "Homer" in Magic Marker on his underwear isn't Dad?
Lisa: I don't get it. Pie Man is supposed to be putting a crimp in this city's bad crust.
System Message: What turned the right-minded Pie Man into a wrong-doing super-dud?
System Message: Looks like it's up to Radioactive Man and Fallout Boy to take a slice out of Pie Man's crimes
Task: Build the Superior Squad HQ
Time: 4h
Lisa: What?! How can comic book characters be in Springfield?
Abraham Lincoln: You're splitting rails about outside characters, now?
Space Mutant: We've infected your Earth since it was formed *mumble-mumble* years ago!
Prof. Frink: At this juncture the rules of Springfield and science have been broken. You need to just deal *ahem* with it.
The Death of a Hero Pt. 4
Fallout Boy Starts
Fallout Boy: Heapin' high blood pressure! That forty-eight waist-product is acting strange, Radioactive Man.
Radioactive Man: You're right. It's obvious he's under the influence of some kind of mind-control ray!
Radioactive Man: We need to locate the source and destroy it!
Radioactive Man: Up and atom, Fallout Boy!
Lisa: Boy, I'm about to "fall out" of this story. What's going on?
Bart: The beauty of comic books is that you don't waste time explaining. That makes the confusing ending more satisfying!
Task: Make Fallout Boy Destroy the Mind Control Ray
Task: Make Sure NOTHING Bad Happens!
Time: 6s
Location: Brown House
Fallout Boy: I'll use my Fallout Boy powers to push the button on this Mind Control Ray.
Radioactive Man: Wait, Fallout Boy! NO!!
Fallout Boy: Radioactive Man is dead and it's all because of my dumb button-thumping finger.
Homer: Huh?... Whah?... A pie in my hand?! All in all, not the worst way to wake up from a black out.
Fallout Boy: ... and to add insult to terminal injury we didn't even cure this poor man of his pie obsession.
Lisa: Umm... no... he's back to normal... *nervous laugh*
System Message: ...and to think you thought this was a casual game!
A New Hero Rises Pt. 1
Fallout Boy Starts
Fallout Boy: What does a sidekick do when the hero he kicked sides for is dead?
Criminal: Radioactive Man is dead?! Criminals, crooks, and punks of all sizes the town is ours for the taking!
Helen Lovejoy: Won't someone please think of the children?!
Bart: Umm, Fallout Boy? I think that's your cue to be all heroic and stuff.
Fallout Boy: But I can't. Behind this mask is just a scared 32 year-old boy.
System Message: Crime is running rampant! With Radioactive Man dead and Fallout Boy turned yellow, who will save Springfield?!
System Message: This looks like a job for... um... um...
Bart: How bout The Sky Finger, lame-wad?
Homer: The Sky Finger! Of course! The nose-picking pointer of hope and justice!
Task: Tap on Criminals to Arrest Them (x20)
The event's features unlock. The quest "Unlock Arbitrarium", which is to "Unlock Arbitrarium" appears.
After tapping on 20 Criminals:
Fallout Boy: Look! In the sky! It's the Dynamic Digit of good deeds!
Criminal: The boss ain't going to like this. He needs those carbon rods for his master plan!
A New Hero Rises Pt. 2
Fallout Boy Starts
Fallout Boy: Sky Finger! Let me fight crime alongside you. Let me be a middle finger next to your index!
Fallout Boy: I pledge to you my loyalty, as I once did Radioactive Man.
Fallout Boy: There have been reports of crime sprees, larks, larfs, high and low jinks in neighboring towns. We need to act... NOW!
System Message: Foil evildoers in friend's towns by capturing criminals and reporting crimes.
Task: Arrest Criminals in a Friend's Town (x3)
Task: Report Crimes in a Friend's Town (x3)
System Message: Remember to keep checking back to see if friends have reported crimes. The faster you spring into action the bigger the rewards!
A New Hero Rises Pt. 3
Fallout Boy Starts
Fallout Boy: A good sidekick can become a great sidekick with an arsenal of snappy catchphrases.
Fallout Boy: By combining witty wordplay with my agile athleticism I'll be in tip-top fighting form alongside Sky Finger!
System Message: Elsewhere..
Dr. Crab: Hmm. It seems my little "accident" has one more survivor than I'd anticipated.
Dr. Crab: No matter. This half-pint hiccup won't interrupt my evil.
Task: Make Fallout Boy Devise New Exclamations
Time: 8h
Location: Superior Squad HQ
Task: Make Fallout Boy Practice His Moves
Time: 4h
Location: Superior Squad HQ
Superior-ior Squad HQ Pt. 1
After collecting Arbitrarium:
Fallout Boy: Almighty Ore! Thats Arbitrarium.
Professor Frink: Gloyven-moyven! Did you say Arbitrarium?! That's the rarest element known to nerd or man!
Fallout Boy: Rare elements always produce crazy reactions! Let's use it to upgrade our HQ and "thwack" crime even more!
Task: Upgrade Your Superior Squad HQ
The quest "Unlock Burns State Prison" - which is to "Unlock Burns State Prison" appears in the taskbook.
After "Upgrading" the Superior Squad HQ to Level 1:
Fallout Boy: The Sky Finger needs a superhero name and I think I've got just the ticket!
Fallout Boy: Flaming Finger! Oops, no flame. Digit of Death! Thats sorta grim. Wait, I've got it... The Hand of Justice!
System Message: Congratulations! You can now earn Arbitrarium by capturing criminals!
After tapping:
Levelling up costs: 4*(Level+1) Arbitrarium or 12*(Level+1) Donuts
Superior-ior Squad HQ Pt. 2
Task: Upgrade Your Superior Squad HQ to Level 5
Montgomery Burns State Prison Pt. 1
Mr. Burns: Mayor Quimby, I understand you're suffering a crime wave. Perhaps I could offer up a new incarcer-arium...
Quimby: But we already have a prison in Springfield.
Mr. Burns: Not an architectural wonder like the Frank Gehry Springfield Music Center!
Mr. Burns: All I did was remove orchestra seating to make it the most wretched hellhole on Earth!
Quimby: Out with the old prison, in with the new!
Task: Place Burns State Prison
The quest "Unlock Clownface", which is to "Unlock Clownface" appears in the taskbook.
After building, it spawns a Felon and:
Quimby: Burns, your prison released a dangerous felon back onto the streets of our fair city!
Mr. Burns: He served two hours for three stabbings. That's 40 minutes per plunge. I can't ask more of a man.
Quimby: He was given a life sentence!
Mr. Burns: The deal was that I only incarcerate felons, not namby-pamby them for life!
Mr. Burns: And when this brute is captured again, I look forward to collecting yet another incarceration fee!
Mr. Burns: I adore the revolving door prison system!
Quimby: Burns, I hate that you came up with this idea and I didn't!
Montgomery Burns State Prison Pt. 2
Fallout Boy: Holy Hangman's noose! Someone needs to stop those felons!
Pie Man: There are too many targets for one hurling Pie Man to hit!
Fallout Boy: We're going to need every superhero, sub-superhero, slight and insignificant hero to help save Springfield!
Pie Man: Since Santa's Little Helper is sleeping on my couch, I'll help.
System Message: You can now send characters to help wipe out crime and earn bonus rewards!
Task: Send a Super Hero to Attack a Felon (4h)
Fallout Boy: Felons are tougher than I thought. Radioactive Man always made it look so easy.
System Message: Keep giving felons the "what-for." New Felons are released every day so make sure to keep fighting!
Montgomery Burns State Prison Pt. 3
Task: Defeat Felons (x3)
Origin Story Pt. 1
After tapping
Krusty: Hey-hey, kids! Who's up for a naughty "Knock-Knock?!"
Krusty: I'll do both parts 'cause last time the audience was cryin' so much they couldn't respond...
Krusty: Knock-knock...
Krusty: Who's there?...
Krusty: Argghhhhh!!...
Task: Reach Level 7 and Build Krusty Burger
Task: Make Krusty Wear the Clownface Outfit
Clownface: Huh? Whah? Who am I?!... besides another version of a terrible clown?
Bart: You're not Krusty the Clown!
Clownface: You're right. I'm different. Like I've been seltzered in the face with a Mind Control Ray. Hoy-hoy, kids! I'm Clownface the Clown!
Origin Story Pt. 2
Krusty Starts
Clownface: As Krusty I steal the show with my yucks!
Clownface: As Clownface, forget stealing the show with yucks! I'm out to steal bucks!
Clownface: I'm less about show business and more about snow business!
Clownface: By snow I mean ice. And by ice I mean diamonds. And by diamonds I mean... well, I mean diamonds!
Clownface: By using fake TV show diamonds...
Clownface: I can dupe the world of its real gems!
Task: Make Clownface Swap Real Diamond With a Fake
Time: 6s
Location: Vulgari Jewelry Store or Krusty Burger
Clownface: Kids, don't try this at home! Why?
Clownface: 'Cause it's my deal! That's why!
A third quest unlocks on March 24th: Clownface Rises.
Super Bonus
After collecting all prizes:
Task: Collect Carbon Rods
Clownface Rises
When the players logins on February 24:
System Message: Deep within Clownface's Trailer of Doom...
Clownface: The life of crime is a cinch.
Clownface: But if I'm going to make a big score, I'm going to need some firepower...
Clownface: ...or some crappy Krusty merchandise that I can weaponize!
Clownface: Maybe I'll find something in all this junk...
Task: Make Clownface Check Krusty-Brand Merchandize
Time: 4h
Location: Krusty Burger
Clownface: No need to weaponize this stuff. This Krusty Krap is already dangerously explosive!
Clownface: Time for Clownface to make a special appearance at the National Bank of Springfield! No autographs!
Clownface: Here you go, hench-clowns! Explosive Pie Bombs - because every clown-based villain needs novelty weapons!
Homer: Wait... what? Did you say this pie was explosive?!
National Bank of Springfield
Krusty Starts
Gil: Oh boy, Gil's first day on the job as a bank security guard.
Gil: I got a uniform, and a gun, and no bullets and everything.
Clownface: Hoy-Hoy! This is a bank robbery!
Gil: Hey, you're that clown from TV! Are you shooting your show right now?!
Clownface: Uhh ... sure. That's it. It's a sketch called "Laughing All The Way To The Bank."
Clownface: And you got the part of the guard who opens the vault and helps carry out cash and gems to the getaway car.
Gil: Aw geez, this is great! Gil's big break!
Task: Place National Bank of Springfield
Task: Make Clownface Rob the Bank
Time: 24h
Location: National Bank Of Springfield
Gil: ...That scene was dynamite, but I wonder where all the cameras were?
Gil: I also wonder when that clown car is coming back with all the cash and gems?
The Collector Pt. 1
Auto Starts
Comic Book Guy: I seem to have been zapped with a Mind Control Ray, warping me back to Season 11's -- The Collector!
Comic Book Guy: They'll need a stronger mind-meld to overcome the fact that The Collector was encased in Lucite and died at the end of that episode.
Comic Book Guy: Worst.
Comic Book Guy: Update.
Comic Book Guy: Ever.
Task: Reach Level 13 and Build Android's Dungeon
Task: Make Comic Book Guy Wear The Collector Outfit
The Collector: I could fight off this Mind Control Ray but that would mean actual effort. So instead ... I give you The Collector!
The Collector Pt. 2
Comic Book Guy Starts
The Collector: So what pray tell is the purpose of my character's reboot?
Clownface: You're tagging along with me on my crime wave.
The Collector: The Collector collects for no one other than my dear, sweet Kumiko!
Kumiko: The Collector is no fool. I threatened to swap his Super Squishee for a healthy alternative.
Clownface: And they call me the villain.
Task: Make Clownface Steal The Collector's Collection
Time: 6s
Location: Android's Dungeon
The Collector Pt. 3
Krusty Starts
Clownface: Steal for me or kiss your own collection good-bye, Collector!
The Collector: My Boba Fett Belt Buckle?! My Silver Surfer Fanny Pack?! My Dr. Who Sonic Screwdriver?! All gone! You monster!
The Collector: I swear by The Collector's crop-top T-shirt, I will return these items to their Mylar repositories!
Kumiko: Does this mean you won't be back for dinner?
The Collector: Miss dinner?! Never!I shall return pre-bibbed with fork and knife in hand, my sweet!
System Message: You can now help The Collector reclaim his belongings and exchange them for prizes!
Task: Capture Criminals to Find Lockpicks
Task: Exchange Lockpicks for the Botanical Garden
The Collector: Precious memorabilia. How I've longed to run my stubby fingers over you!
The Collector: A mere Mind Control Ray pales in comparison to my love of my keepsakes.
The Collector: Please, I implore you to keep looking for more. I'll reward you handsomely if you do!
System Message: Keep performing heroic deeds and finding more items on behalf of the Collector. New Prizes now available!
Click here for The Crafting Guide
Zenith City
Task: Craft Zenith City Apartments
Task: Craft Zenith City Lofts
Task: Craft Zenith City Storefront
Zenith City Times
Task: Craft Zenith City Times
Dr. Colossus Returns!
Auto Starts
Dr. Colossus: It is I - Dr. Hector Von Colossus - the greatest evil genius of all time!
Fallout Boy: *gasp* Of course! Dr. Colossus must be behind Radioactive Man's death!
Dr. Colossus: The Mind Control Ray I purchased online worked better than I'd dreamed. And it came with free shipping!
Dr. Colossus: I suppose we should now call him Radio-Inactive Man? HA HA HA HA!
Task: Make Dr. Colossus Laugh Maniacally
Time: 4h
Dr. Colossus: With Radioactive Man out of the way, I have big plans for Springfield. Some might even call them...
Dr. Colossus: COLOSSAL ... MUA HA HA HA!
System Message: What foul felony does Dr. Colossus have up his sleeve? Roll up your sleeves to find out on March 10th!
Super Bonus
After collecting all prizes:
Task: Collect Pie-Bombs
Hector Von Colossus
When the players logins on March 10:
System Message: On this fateful day, Dr. Colossus announces his latest scheme...
Dr. Colossus: Citizens of Springfield! I am pleased to announce my evil plan for world domination...
Dr. Colossus: ... starting with your city's domination.
Dr. Colossus: If my demands are not met, I will destroy Springfield!
Homer: That's nothing. We've been destroyed a dozen times over. Six times by me alone!
Dr. Colossus: But this time the entire town will be reduced to rubble and you'll have to clean it up!
Homer: Cleaning up things is why I had kids.
Dr. Colossus: But you'd have to re-build your town too. Think of all that work!!
Homer: Jerks destroying this town are old news. They should call you a Colossal waste of time.
Dr. Colossus: Uggh! The ultimate insult. Makes me want to change my evil name!!
Task: Make Dr. Colossus Mope
Time: 1h
Criminal: Uhhh, Boss... I know this isn't a good time - but these Freeze Rays you gave us aren't working. At all.
Dr. Colossus: You're right. This isn't a good time. Report to R&D for "processing"
Super Jeb
Auto Triggers
Homer: That guy looks kind of familiar...
Lisa: Dad! It's Jebediah Springfield - the founder of Springfield...
Lisa: ...except for some reason he's wearing a mask and cape.
Fallout Boy: Actually that's a statue of Jeb Zenith - the founder of Zenith City and vanquisher of Sinister Shelb.
Lisa: Fascinating! This is going to make a great history report.
Task: Place Super Jeb
Death Mountain
Dr. Colossus Triggers
Dr. Colossus: With my Death Mountain laboratory operational, I can devise an even greater scheme to take over the world!
Dr. Colossus: ... plus the geo-thermal heated floors feel great on my tootsies.
Task: Place Death Mountain
Task: Make Dr. Colossus Hatch a New Scheme
Time: 8h
Hank Scorpio: Nice Mountain Fortress, Hector. Are you taking over the world or putting on a production of "Sound of Music?"
Hank Scorpio: I'm more of a Volcano Lair man myself.
Dr. Colossus: Your Volcano Lair doesn't have an elevator. Who wants to walk down 21 flights of stairs to get to work everyday? Not me.
Hank Scorpio: Oh, you did not just bring that up!
System Message: Fuel the rivalry and get Hank Scorpio's Volcano Lair to unlock an exclusive quest chain!
The Collider Pt. 1
Auto Starts
The Collider: I can't let Dr. Colossus know I'm really a double-agent working for the Superior Squad.
Dr. Colossus: Did you just say something devious out loud?
The Collider: Um... I... um... no.
Dr. Colossus: Just get back to work! We have a town to enslave!
Task: Make The Collider Work as a Double Agent
Time: 4h
Location: Death Mountain
The Collider Pt. 2
The Collider Starts
Dr. Colossus: It seems that no matter how hard I try my evil plans backfire.
The Collider: Have you ever thought there might be a double agent in the facility?
Dr. Colossus: No, I've never thought that.
The Collider: That's a relief.
Dr. Colossus: But now that you bring it up, it makes perfect sense. Find this traitor and eliminate him!!
Task: Make The Collider Pet Mr. Boson
Time: 24h
Dr. Colossus: Did the mole surface yet?
The Collider: The mole has been eliminated. Now feel free to let down your guard and tell me all your secret plans.
Dr. Colossus: Good job, Collider. You make evil easy.
The Collider Pt. 3
Dr. Colossus Starts
Dr. Colossus: I've done it! I've created the ultimate doomsday weapon!
The Collider: Congratulations. What does it do?
Dr. Colossus: It makes everything taste like dry chicken. I call it the "Poult-Ray."
The Collider: He's removing the plump juiciness from life, like a bad backyard BBQ?! I must stop him!
Task: Make The Collider Sabotage the Poult-ray
Time: 1h
Location: Death Mountain
Explosion: ...
The Collider Pt. 4
The Collider Starts
The Collider: Ugh. I was too close to the "Poult-Ray" when it blew.
The Collider: *cough* My juices are running clear...
The Collider: I'm cooked to a crisp. *wheeze*
Task: Make The Collider Die and Come Back in the Credits
Time: 8h
The Collider: I'm alive! Protected by a layer of exploded chicken fat.
The Collider: And my skin... so soft and supple.
Dr. Colossus: This is terrible! The Poult-ray was destroyed!
Dr. Colossus: Collider? Is that you? You look 20 years younger.
The Collider: Good living, I guess.
Dr. Colossus: It's true. Evil living does add years to a villain's life.
Dr. Colossus: Let's head back to the lab and we'll start again.
The Collider: Sure thing, boss.
Super Bonus
After collecting all prizes:
Task: Collect Freeze Rays
The following questline activates after completing the Death Mountain quest, only if the user has unlocked Hank Scorpio.
Duelling Honchos Pt. 1
Hank Scorpio Triggers
Hank Scorpio: I'm tired of you taking swipes at my lair Hector.
Hank Scorpio: Especially from a villain whose Mountain Fortress has screen doors.
Dr. Colossus: They regulate airflow. And I don't hear my skull-lined walls complaining!
Hank Scorpio: Maybe your skulls should come up with your next evil plan for you.
Dr. Colossus: That's it! I challenge you to a diabolical duel of destruction!
Hank Scorpio: That's a lot of "D's," but okay, you're on!
Task: Make Hank Scorpio Discuss the Terms of the Duel
Task: Make Dr. Colossus Discuss the Terms of the Duel
Time: 8h
Location: Death Mountain
Hank Scorpio: So this is how it'll go...
Hank Scorpio: Three rounds to prove who's the eviler evil genius.
Hank Scorpio: Whoever loses has to clean the other's lair for a month!
Hank Scorpio: Total transparency... I haven't knocked down cobwebs in a while.
Hank Scorpio: But we'll need an easy-going judge.
Homer: Did someone say "easy-opening fudge?"
Hank Scorpio: ... Or a dull-minded judge.
Duelling Honchos Pt. 2
Dr. Colossus Triggers
Dr. Colossus: Round One: Whoever has the most villainous device wins!
Homer: I have a pair of scissors that always pinch my fingers.
Dr. Colossus: The true test will be ignoring Homer.
Task: Make Hank Scorpio Test Flame Thrower
Time: 8h
Task: Make Dr. Colossus Activate Colosso-Boots
Time: 24h
Hank Scorpio: It's obvious who won that round, right Homer?
Homer: ...
Hank Scorpio: Oh, c'mon! Hector's Colloso Boots couldn't fill my tennis shoes!
Homer: But they looked cool with his outfit.
Homer: Plus your Flame Thrower was more smoke than flame.
Homer: I'm calling this one a draw.
Duelling Honchos Pt. 3
Dr. Colossus Triggers
Dr. Colossus: A good villain must command respect!
Dr. Colossus: Whoever gets the best results from his minions wins round two!
Hank Scorpio: You refer to the backbone of your evil organization as minions? I consider mine equal partners in crime.
Task: Make Hank Scorpio Be A Great Boss
Time: 24h
Location: Volcano Lair
Dr. Colossus: Make Dr. Colossus Crack the Whip
Time: 24h
Location: Death Mountain
Homer: So how'd your associates make out?
Hank Scorpio: We didn't finish. They were doing so well I gave them the rest of the afternoon off.
Dr. Colossus: And I might have Death Ray'd one or two too many. We also didn't finish.
Homer: C'mon! Get your black hearts into this! I'm calling another draw.
Duelling Honchos Pt. 4
Hank Scorpio Starts
Hank Scorpio: So what's the final round, Hector?
Dr. Colossus: To be honest, there isn't a final round. I thought I'd have won by now.
Homer: Then I'm calling it a draw!
Hank Scorpio: What does that mean?
Homer: It means that you're both losers and you both have to pay the forfeit.
Dr. Colossus: You're mopping up Death Mountain, Scorpio!
Hank Scorpio: Right after you scrunge my Volcano Lair, Hector!
Task: Make Hank Scorpio Clean Death Mountain
Time: 8h
Location: Death Mountain
Task: Make Dr. Colossus Clean the Volcano Lair
Time: 8h
Location: Volcano Lair
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