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8 years ago

Superheroes Return: Walkthrough

Fallout Boy's Rise From the Shadows Pt. 1

Auto starts

Homer: Errgh. Ugh. D'oh! Can't. Open. Tub. Of. New. Duff. Ice. Cream! Superhero help needed!
Fallout Boy: No need to scream for ice cream, fair citizen! I will take you to Sundae school!
Homer: Who are you again?
Fallout Boy: I am Fallout Boy, Radioactive Man's sidekick.
Homer: Then “sidekick” this frozen concoction container for me.
Task: Build Superior Squad HQ
Task: Have Fallout Boy Help Citizens
Time: 1h
Location: Simpson Home

Fallout Boy: I've been iced out. This cream was cooler than I.

Fallout Boy's Rise From the Shadows Pt. 2

Homer starts

Homer: My scoop dreams have melted into nightmares!
Clobber Girl: I will sav-or your taste buds, Dad!
Homer: Wow, you did it!
Homer: Clobber Girl cracked the lid on this case, Flop-out Boy. Maybe you should try to help some other Springfielders in need and fail.
Fallout Boy: I've fallen out of flavor. How can I be weaker than a super-strength eight-year-old?! Must show everyone I'm not a dork sidekick!

Task: Make Homer Enjoy His Ice Cream
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson Home
Task: Make Fallout Boy Perform Menial Tasks
Time: 4h
Location: Brown House

Fallout Boy's Rise From the Shadows Pt. 3

Fallout Boy starts

Lisa: Recycling bins overturned? Explosions at the Brown House?
Bart: And someone's tagged the school over my tags on the school! Who is evil enough to do something more evil than me?
Lisa: It’s odd that these pranks are happening just when the Superheroes come back into town. It’s as if they were wreaking the havoc themselves…
Fallout Boy: These kids think my attacks are that of a dumb prankster? I'll show them these crimes are that of a mastermind!

Task: Make Fallout Boy Perform Criminal Tasks
Time: 4h
Location: Brown House
Task: Make Bart and Lisa Investigate Petty Crimes
Time: 4h
Location: Brown House

Old King Coal: Who is behind these deliciously evil crimes? I must unearth the culprit and recruit them!
Charcoal Briquette: I also wonder who iz capable of zee beautiful calamity.

Fallout Boy's Rise From the Shadows Pt. 4

Fallout Boy starts

Fallout Boy: Wonder no more. For it is I, zee delicious Fallout Boy, whom you are searching for!
The Fracker: Wow, incredibly lame entrance, dude. All your cool villain points – gone.
Petroleus Rex: You're as slick as a blown-out oil derrick…which is not slick. FYI: it's dry.
Old King Coal: Run along, little sidekick. Go back and bury your head behind your Radioactive Man mommy.

Task: Send Criminals to Fallout Boy Insult Club
Time: 4h
Location: Brown House
Task: Make Fallout Boy Up His Villain Game
Time: 4h
Location: Superior Squad HQ

Fallout Boy: The Fossil Fuel Four thinks they're the only ones who know things! I'll show those big mean jerky-jerk faces! I'll also come up with better insults.
Radioactive Man: Fallout Boy! I hear you've been up to a lot of no-good. You know that your character alignment does not allow for mischief!

Fallout Boy's Rise From the Shadows Pt. 5

Fallout Boy starts

Fallout Boy: Character alignment be damned! Have you any idea how the villain side feels? I'm beginning to enjoy being evil. And you kept me from it!
The Scout Master: Oh, goodie, Radioactive Man. I see you've met my new malicious, merit-badged side-kick – Fall-Scout Boy. He's part of my jamboree now!
Radioactive Man: So, Scout Master! You're behind all of this!
Fallout Boy: NOOOOO! This new identity has all been a lie? I'll bet these merit badges are even…unmerited! I've just been a pawn again? WHYYYYY?!

Task: Make Fallout Boy Emo Out by Listening to Fall Out Boy
Time: 6h
Location: Superior Squad HQ
Task: Make Bart and Lisa Help Fallout Boy Deal With His Emotions
Time: 6h
Location: Superior Squad HQ

Radioactive Man: Now, have you learned your lesson?
Fallout Boy: Yes, I know how to manage my feelings by complaining on social media and losing myself in nu-metal. I'm back to normal.

Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
Pie Mania

Homer starts

Homer: Mmm…Pie.
Marge: Homie, come back to bed. You're sweets-walking again.
Homer: Mmm… must fling pie!
Marge: Homer! Where are you going?
Homer: ...PIE!!

Task: Make Pie Man Stock Up on Pies
Time: 24h

Marge: Kids, have you seen your father? He was acting funny in bed last night. And it wasn't Jimmy Fallon funny.
Marge: I just hope he passes out somewhere safe.
Are You Afraid of the Bark?

Bart starts

Bart: Oo, a spooky campfire in our town. This is the perfect spot for scaring nerds!
Milhouse: I'm not sure we should go near it, Bart. It looks almost TOO spooky.
Bart: Introducing the perfect guinea pig.

Task: Make Bart Tell a Scary Story
Time: 4h
Location: Spooky Campfire
All Night Dong Pt. 1

Señor Ding Dong starts

Señor Ding Dong: Ding-Dong, Springfield! Señor is at the door!
Señor Ding Dong: Here to right wrongs, protect the innocent, straighten welcome mats, and make sure no one has a foolish doorbell chime – for I am Señor Ding Dong!
Señor Ding Dong: But first, I must check my beloved shop. For a man is only as good as his ding-Dongs.

Task: Make Señor Ding Dong Tune Doorbells in Store
Time: 1h
Location: Señor Ding Dong's Doorbell Fiesta

Señor Ding Dong: Everything is in order. Now to do some superhero-ing!

All Night Dong Pt. 2

Señor Ding Dong starts

Señor Ding Dong: Where are all the wrongs that need righting? All the villains that need polishing to a righteous shine?
Luann: Oh no, my groceries are falling! My red beans are rolling! My tater tots are tumbling! My juice is on the loose! Someone help me!
Señor Ding Dong: A citizen's in need! Away I sashay!

Task: Reach Level 15 and Build Moe's Tavern
Task: Make Señor Ding Dong Lasso Up Groceries
Time: 4h
Location: Kwik-E-Mart
Task: Make Springfield Women Shop at Kwik-E-Mart
Time: 4h
Location: Kwik-E-Mart

Luann: Thank you, Señor Ding Dong! You can ring this belle any time you're free.
Señor Ding Dong: It is my pleasure to press your buttons, Señora.

All Night Dong Pt. 3

Señor Ding Dong starts

Marge: Tell us more of the Señor!
Luann: And then he gathered all the groceries up in one fell crack of his whip.
Selma: This man sounds like he knows how to polish all dings great and small. Marge, call him to fix your doorbell.
Marge: It's not broken.
Selma: I'll make sure that it is.
Marge: Well, if it's a favor for my friends, I don't see the harm in having a sexy Latino man working in my house.
Señor Ding Dong: I heard a beautiful lady needs her bell rung? Do not lose your smiles over this, mis amores. I will help!

Task: Make Señor Ding Dong Whip the Simpson House Doorbell
Time: 2h
Location: Simpson Home
Task: Make Springfield Women Ogle at the Simpson House
Time: 2h
Location: Simpson Home

Selma: Señor Ding Dong, how can we ever replay you?
Señor Ding Dong: Don't you mean “repay” me?
Selma: l know what I said.
Señor Ding Dong: Your $49.95 is play-ment enough.

All Night Dong Pt. 4

Señor Ding Dong starts

Cookie Kwan: Señor Ding Dong, I heard you are #1 on the Westside, and a solid #2 in many parts of the Eastside, at making bells ring again.
Señor Ding Dong: I do not make the bells ring. I make love to the doorbell so that they desire to chime again.
Cookie Kwan: Perfect! I need you to “make love” to all the doorbells of my female clients. I must warn you – some of these doorbells haven't been pressed in years.
Señor Ding Dong: I am needed! Show me to these clients who need to be unbroken!

Task: Make Señor Ding Dong Whip Around Town
Time: 2h
Task: Make Springfield Women Bid for Señor Ding Dong’s Company
Time: 2h
Location: Red Blazer Realty or Simpsons Home

Señor Ding Dong: I have finished my rounds, but now my van…she is stalling on me! ¡Ay, Dios mío!
Cookie Kwan: I have a perfect place you can rest your van – my condo. No bells and whistles…just stack parking and me.
Señor Ding Dong: Señora, you are a generous soul! But I must warn you – I am very good at engaging bells, not so much at engaging women.

All Night Dong Pt. 5

Señor Ding Dong starts

Señor Ding Dong: All I do is fix doorbells. When they only go ding, I give them the Dong! There must be more to life than this.
Mrs. Quimby: Señor Ding Dong! You have an urgent mission from the mayor.
Señor Ding Dong: From the leader of all of Springfield?! Finally, my time has come to pass. What is the mission?
Mrs. Quimby: Meet me for drinks at Moe's, and I'll give you the details.

Task: Make Señor Ding Dong Go to Moe's for Important Mission
Time: 4h
Location: Moe's Tavern
If the user has Mrs. Quimby: Task: Make Mrs. Quimby Drink at Moe's
Time: 4h
Location: Moe's Tavern

Señor Ding Dong: My dear, I believe we have the Mayor's bells in working order now. And you are also chiming beautifully.
Mrs. Quimby: Thank you for helping me! You and your whip have a way around first ladies.

All Night Dong Pt. 6

Señor Ding Dong starts

Señor Ding Dong: It has been a long day today, and very little super-heroing. I strangely am only called upon to fix everyone's doorbells…
Señor Ding Dong: ¡Ay, Dios mío! Am I not a real superhero, but selling my soul for the Doorbell Fiesta?
Smithers: Excuse me. I heard there was a handsome Latino who can fix a fella's doorbell? Are you that a-door-a-bell Señor?
Señor Ding Dong: *sighs* Yes, that is me. A fixer of chimes, bells, and wrongs, I am Señor Ding Dong!
Smithers: I'd answer any doorbell you and your magic whip fix. May I watch you work up a sweat?

Task: Make Señor Ding Dong Whip Around Town
Time: 2h
Task: Make Smithers Whip It
Time: 8h

Señor Ding Dong: Super-heroing is a lot of work, but all good things come to those for whom the bell toils.

Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
Some Much Needed R & R Pt. 1

Auto starts

Radioactive Man: Now that I have arrived in Springfield, I will fight crime in our city wherever it lies!

Task: Make Radioactive Man Seek Out Crime
Time: 24h

Some Much Needed R & R Pt. 2

Radioactive Man starts

Radioactive Man: I'm impressed! Fallout Boy and the Sky Finger brushed and flossed this city's dark cavities clean!
Radioactive Man: Maybe I can finally find time to recharge my superpowers in the deep-end of a mud bath.

Task: Make Radioactive Man Relax
Time: 8h
Location: Radioactive Man Statue or Kane Manor
Dr. Lenny's Lab

Mr. Burns starts

Mr. Burns: Smithers, I'm not happy with any of my current abodes.
Smithers: Do you need another mansion built sir?
Mr. Burns: No no, not just another mansion. All my mansions represent only a part of me, the rich part.
Mr. Burns: I need a house that will represent all parts of me, rich, evil, reclusive.

Task: Make Mr. Burns Enjoy Dr. Lenny's Evil Lab
Time: 8h
Location: Dr. Lenny's Lab

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