Forum Discussion

nosajed's avatar
10 years ago

The Art of Hiding Tennis Court Farms

I only got 5 and they're out in the open.

I would really like to see a picture of this, intrigued to see how people can hide something of that size.

19 Replies

  • they are surprisingly easy to hide.

    i just started to redesign my town a bit and hid tennis courts at the same time and i was able to hide quite a bit with the very little redesigning i did.

    some will go in the back yards of the rich peoples houses as well.
  • JimJ321 wrote:
    Ahhhh yes, a purely speculative thread. I see a lot of great ideas and posts, but no pics. I guess it just didn't happen then.

    LMFAO!! Purely Speculative. So true, so true :)

    Pics or it didn't happen!
  • I got 70 of them. 6 are out in SH, the other 64 are in a single-file line on the far right side of my Springfield. I am in the process of redesign, so I hope to hide at least some of them. I don't know how I'm going to hide even half of them, but it's an interesting challenge.
  • JimJ321 wrote:
    Ahhhh yes, a purely speculative thread. I see a lot of great ideas and posts, but no pics. I guess it just didn't happen then.

    Well come on, Jim! What's the point of pictures if the courts are hidden? They would just be pictures of random buildings! :D

    I could post a picture of a pay phone booth, and say i hid a tennis court behind it. Would that verify it happened? Lol

    I have courts hidden behind each of the SH business centers, behind the Wax Museum, behind the... Hey i forgot where they all are!

    I also hide all my Christmas trees and elf stuff that pays money. And the training walls. And those psycho grinning train engines! Lots of hidden stuff.

    I think in total i got 6 hidden courts and three in sight. But if they open more SH land, I'll make a tennis center with them. There's some great designs here combining them with the country club. Looking forward to more land.
  • GeorgePatton5 wrote:
    Why would you need to even hide them?.....

    Because some people prefer realistically designed towns, rather than a collection of decorations. Trying to conform to the self-imposed limitations of realism adds and extra level of difficulty.

    This is why I'm extra happy that my monorail doesn't have a single pillar out in a road. It wasn't easy, but i challenged myself to do it, wasnt sure if it was possible, but succeeded.
  • there is only one solution (not only for the court problem).

    bonus multiplier should still apply when you put the items in storage.

    Please EA, please. It is time! :D
  • Vs1976 wrote:
    GeorgePatton5 wrote:
    Why would you need to even hide them?.....
    because if you have hundreds of them and have limited space (to see your stuff), why not hide it where land becomes a premium. Those space aren't going to be used anyways. Why not use it? :wink:

    Even if you do "hide it" the tennis court still takes up land so I don't see a point.
  • Right now, most of my building are hiding training walls and Khav Kalasha Stands. I have a few of them adorning various mansions. The rest of them are in my Springfield Heights junk drawer.
  • I have one. I unlocked the ability to purchase them the day before they were removed. I hope they come back, but I'm not going to hold my breath.