12 years ago
Time between updates
empathy77 wrote: First let it be noted that I am not complaining, I am just mentioning. Level 37 came out November 7th and level 38 isn't here yet. That's the longest span The Simpsons Tapped Ou...
conalmcainsh wrote:there is really no excuse. Next ep will be on autumn so u ve time to catch up ;) sorry to tappers but who comes first :D also yeah sorry for insane otneuroheart wrote:conalmcainsh wrote:
I, myself lost interest in the show since Matt smith.
Aw, this makes me sad. I'm a big Matt Smith fan.
(I know, I know, I came late to the party. But still, he's the one that got me hooked. I went back and watched the rest of New Who after watching his first season, and of course now I just love it all.)
Moffet does write rather complex storylines, but I kind of like that, too.
I really would get back into it but I haven't the time with all the tapping!