Forum Discussion

pookieinnl's avatar
10 years ago

Weird Milhouse incident...

possibly someone entered your town and alerted you with that
  • I don't think so, if Millhouse was doing T or T, they would have to spend donuts to rush him,
    And the Op said that his buildings and donuts were intact.
  • If his task was due as a current assignment, it is highly likely that you selected it from the top of his list, thinking it was the trick or treat task also in gold letters. Being first to reassign, you may have done it too quickly to notice. Don't worry about it.
  • 4junk3000 wrote:
    If his task was due as a current assignment, it is highly likely that you selected it from the top of his list, thinking it was the trick or treat task also in gold letters. Being first to reassign, you may have done it too quickly to notice. Don't worry about it.
    yeppers. I bet that is what happened to you
  • vic147 wrote:
    I don't think so, if Millhouse was doing T or T, they would have to spend donuts to rush him,
    And the Op said that his buildings and donuts were intact.

    Actually, there's a way to rush a Milhouse task,without spending donuts, by storing the whatchamacallit van Houston house and then bringinng it back out of inventory. I'm not saying this WAS what happened, but it could have happened that way.

    In my secondary town yesterday, when I logged in, every house had their Christmas lights on. If it had been only one house, I would have assumed I tapped too quickly the day before and switched to the Christmas "skin". But not 14 homes. Everything else was intact ... To me, it was just someone letting me know they had gotten in by error. Or that someone can't wait until Christmas. ;)
  • Actually i am certain that i did send him trick or treating, that is why i was freaking out
    i don't mind him doing the task, as i am already hoarding bags and crafted all things i want so far including the helicopter, but it just seemed so weird him switching from one to the other...
    i sent him first precisely to avoid mistakenly sending him on the long pumpkin task, i saw him trick or treating when i logged out the last time before it happened...
    anyhow, i guess it has no real big consequence, but it did make me wonder what happened... :shock:
  • TAGSfan60982 wrote:
    4junk3000 wrote:
    If his task was due as a current assignment, it is highly likely that you selected it from the top of his list, thinking it was the trick or treat task also in gold letters. Being first to reassign, you may have done it too quickly to notice. Don't worry about it.
    yeppers. I bet that is what happened to you

    Exactly, well, most likely! :shock:
  • pookieinnl wrote:
    Actually i am certain that i did send him trick or treating, that is why i was freaking out
    i don't mind him doing the task, as i am already hoarding bags and crafted all things i want so far including the helicopter, but it just seemed so weird him switching from one to the other...
    i sent him first precisely to avoid mistakenly sending him on the long pumpkin task, i saw him trick or treating when i logged out the last time before it happened...
    anyhow, i guess it has no real big consequence, but it did make me wonder what happened... :shock:

    Wait a minute!

    I know what it was.....
  • annettemarc wrote:
    vic147 wrote:
    I don't think so, if Millhouse was doing T or T, they would have to spend donuts to rush him,
    And the Op said that his buildings and donuts were intact.

    Actually, there's a way to rush a Milhouse task,without spending donuts, by storing the whatchamacallit van Houston house and then bringinng it back out of inventory. I'm not saying this WAS what happened, but it could have happened that way.

    That's more cancelling it than rushing it because you don't get the money and xp from the task that way.