Forum Discussion

LPNintendoITA's avatar
11 years ago

What Changed with the September 4th Update? (Thanks to mrfy @ TSTOTopix)


16 Replies

  • GamerPerfection wrote:
    LPNintendoITA wrote:
      Homer still has his 2nd 16-hr task, to “Safely” Do His Job. This should have gone away when the July 4th quests were completed.

    Should it? Where did it say anywhere that it "should" have gone?
    the job was part of the j.4th update questline
  • Shield glitch still there for me (ie if I have shields in my town and go to KL or whatever and come back, the shields are gone).

    Maybe it's not a bug but a feature.
  • So far it seems like the deposit nerds on random towns and log out for x hours is still working (even after yesterday's update) My feeder town sent out 170 nerds to randoms at 720pm eastern & my results at 1040am were 13,848elixir 5,054 gold (note I could only find ~ 10 castles but it divides out to 81/nerd which is in line with none of the town's defending and some random neighbor payouts from 2pm and 4pm
  • jankrohn wrote:
    Wrecked castles no longer produce any nerds.

    My castle was wrecked and I still got my nerds...
  • snowyriver32 wrote:
    jankrohn wrote:
    Wrecked castles no longer produce any nerds.

    My castle was wrecked and I still got my nerds...

    A few people experience a bug where nerds aren't visible right after they rebuild the castle. Syncing the game by visiting a couple neighbors has generally solved the problem. But destroyed castles do generate nerds on schedule.